
Activity and passivity are the two extreme characteristics of human behavior. It is generally accepted that activity is always positive, and passivity is always negative and causes condemnation from other people. But in psychoanalysis, activity, associated with the male principle, correlates with aggression, which can not be considered a positive sign. Also, passivity is not always a negative phenomenon, sometimes this is the only correct behavior.

What is passivity?

Passivity in psychology is understood as inaction, behavior contrary to an active style of behavior. Passivity can be intentional and unintentional.

Sometimes we deliberately choose a passive position - because of laziness or fear of being in the center of events. But passivity can also be unintended:

Unintentional general passivity of behavior is a defensive reaction of the body to stress, and therefore can not be condemned. But if passive behavior is a lifestyle, then this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Passivity in relationships

Probably, every woman wants the chosen one to listen to her opinion. But if a man can not do anything without a good kick, then nobody will like it. What to do here? Some try to correct the man, annoying him with constant remarks and reproaches. It's easy to understand that nothing good can come of it. If a man does not want to do something, then, most likely, the problem of motivation. And then you can only give him this motivation or reconcile with the role of the absolute head of the family. Even worse is the situation when a man is unemotional in bed - passivity in sex will not please anybody. In this case, you need to find out where this attitude comes from, maybe after a hard day you need activity, in this case the pose "log" is justified most of all. Also, some fading of passion after several years of living together is a normal phenomenon, but you can correct the situation, there are many ways to inflate the fading flame. It's bad if any of your efforts do not bring an effect, here either a case of extreme laziness or a lack of interest to you.

Social passivity

Recently, the term "social passivity" is very often heard, especially with regard to young people. Often you can hear statements that young people do not need anything in life except pleasures. But this is not entirely true, the results of sociological research show that young people, along with the desire to build a career and create a family, have the desire to achieve success in public life. So the desire to change something for the better (within the collective, the city, the country, the world) is, another thing, that there is practically no possibility of realizing these desires, and sooner or later you get tired of breaking through the concrete walls.

Intellectual Inactivity

With the concept of social passivity, the concept of passivity of the intellectual is very closely intertwined, in the case when the latter is the result of insufficient motivation. Intellectual passivity is also a consequence of the unformed nature of the methods of mental activity, but this applies to people with a deviation in development. Passivity of another kind is observed everywhere - among schoolchildren and students who seek to obtain a document on education, not knowledge, in adults who forgot that the brain is given for independent analysis of facts, and not empty faith for another charming speaker. The problem here is, as mentioned above, in motivation - you do not need to study, at your work "five" are not interested in anyone, deep knowledge is also not needed, all the necessary knowledge "gouge" on two-week courses, become an expert in your business with deep knowledge is not necessary - their salary is often less than an ordinary employee, settled in a large company or taken by the boss "by acquaintance."

How to deal with passivity?

If you wanted to get rid of the amorphous mass of human beings, then you should start with yourself. The methods of mass - the main one offers you to start planning your own life, learn how to give 100% in any business. But all methods of combating passivity will be useless in the absence of motivation. Therefore, the main way to fight is to understand what you want from life. Understanding yourself, you realize what actions you need to take - perhaps what you do, only distances you from the goal, hence the passivity, and the unwillingness to do something.