What helps the icon of the Mother of God of Gerontiss?

There are many different icons of the Mother of God, which have tremendous power, helping believers in different situations. Among them is the image of "Gerontiss", which is located in the monastery Pantokrator on Mount Athos. It is also called "Superior" and "Staritsa". It is worthwhile to figure out what the icon of the Mother of God "Gerontissa" helps, because each image has its own individual strength. By the way, on this image the Mother of God is represented in full growth and without the Bogomladents.

What helps and the meaning of the icon "Gerontissa"

First, a few words about how the image appeared. Even in the XVII century in the monastery on Mount Athos hunger began and one hegumen prayed day and night to the Mother of God , asking her for help. His words were heard, and one day the jar was filled with oil, which was eventually displayed on the icon. The name and meaning of the icon "Gerontiss" received after the creation of the miracle. In the monastery hegumen lived, who felt that his death was near. He asked the priest to perform a liturgy to receive communion, but he did not hurry to fulfill his request. In an instant he heard a voice from the image of the Mother of God, who ordered the priest to realize the request of the hegumen.

Believers say that prayers near the image help to get consolation and hope even in the most difficult situations. Sincere appeals will certainly be heard and requests made. The icon "Gerontissa" is considered female, because this icon helps to get rid of infertility and facilitates childbirth. Praying near the image can be at moments of mental anguish, to get solace and find a way out of a difficult situation. Help prayers before the image to solve material problems and get rid of existing diseases and even from deadly ailments. The Virgin helps in work and study, giving self-confidence.