How to lose weight in 10 days?

So, you are going to lose weight and at your disposal for everything about all 10 days. Believe me, to lose weight in 10 days can be very significant, the main thing is to put maximum effort, willpower and forget how to hear burchean in the stomach. Our example of how to lose weight in 10 days will be Madonna - for thirty years now, how this diva does not give the peak of popularity to fade, and, frankly, its perfect physical form helps her a lot. Is it enviable? Try to eat 10 days as a Madonna.

The essence of diet

A diet that helps you lose weight in 10 days is the strictest macrobiotic diet. The diet of the Madonna excludes all wheat, eggs, milk and all dairy products, meat. It's a super detox that the singer arranges before important outlets.

On the first day you have breakfast with Japanese miso soup and brown rice. Believe me, after a hearty dietary soup lunch you will miss voluntarily, and for dinner you are allowed to pamper yourself with stewed barley and seaweed.

On the second day of the singer there are only starched vegetables and apples of the Fuji variety. The third day, Madonna devotes to sports, removing all the toxins from the body, and thereby intensifying her metabolism even more. At lunch, she eats her favorite miso soup, and prefers to eat something soy - tofu or meat.

The fourth day compensates for our shortage of carbohydrates and therefore the menu includes only sweet plums. And on the fifth and sixth day of the diet for Madonna's day off - it is allowed to eat everything that only comes to mind (but do it wisely). We recommend that you do not go insane and eat small portions, and then with unaccustomed, the stomach can fail.

Next, the next three days - 7,8,9 - Madonna eats cheese tofu in various combinations: in salads, with miso soup, with rice and barley. And on the final tenth day you can afford any dietary dishes from those that you ate in this ten-day period.

If you manage to lose weight urgently in these 10 days - it's not surprising, because the caloric content of the diet is minimal, and adding even half of those physical activities that are included in the daily programs of the Madonna, you can with a clear conscience say that they lost weight solely on their own.

But this diet is not a canon for those who need to quickly lose weight in 10 days.

You can use combinations of mono diets (preferably so that the carbohydrate and protein days alternate), or simply switch to a fractional diet without sweet and fat and actively engage in sports.