Endometriosis - the causes of

Endometriosis is an inflammation of the inner mucous layer of the uterus. It is worth noting that the disease can affect other organs, and in the absence of competent treatment reflected on the entire work of the body. The causes of endometriosis can be very diverse, but in any case the disease requires surgical treatment.

The causes of the appearance of endometriosis

The causative agent of the disease is a group of microorganisms, among which:

The cause of endometriosis of the uterus, as a rule, is the penetration of the infection along the ascending path, that is, through the vagina and the neck of the organ. One of the ways of penetration of pathogenic microbes into the uterine cavity is various kinds of gynecological manipulations.

Among the factors why there is endometriosis, you can denote:

Postpartum endometriosis after natural delivery occurs in 3-5%, as a result of caesarean - in 10-15% of cases. The disease, as a rule, manifests itself on 2-3 days and requires treatment in the hospital.

Endometriosis on the background of infectious diseases

The cause of endometriosis of the uterus in most cases are sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis , chlamydia and others. Outside such diseases cause inflammation of the mucous layer of the uterus, and in the absence of treatment take a chronic form. That is why one of the reasons for the development of endometriosis of the ovaries and the uterus are promiscuity. To prevent disease and timely diagnosis, experts recommend that you regularly visit the office of a gynecologist.

Other causes of endometriosis and consequences

Inflammation of the endometrium often develops against a background of reduced immunity. That is why a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits, in particular drugs, alcohol and nicotine, play a significant role in the prevention of the disease.

Also known are the psychological causes of endometriosis - chronic stress and general body fatigue. In addition, the development of the disease affects:

One of the causes of the onset of endometriosis is hormonal imbalance. The fact is that the inflammation and proliferation of the endometrium occurs under the influence of estrogen, while for the rejection of the functional layer there is a hormone such as progesterone. With insufficient progesterone production, the endometrium does not tear away and continues to grow, causing the development of the disease.

Symptoms and causes of endometriosis can be completely different - the disease depends on the type of pathogen and the state of the immune system, but in the absence of treatment, endometriosis leads to a number of complications. Acute endometriosis (the initial stage) passes into other more dangerous diseases or takes a chronic form.

The main complication of endometriosis, which every woman is afraid of, is infertility. In this sterility against the background of this disease takes various forms: tubal, endocrine, immune, peritoneal. In addition, endometriosis, even with the onset of pregnancy, significantly complicates its course, and also increases the likelihood of miscarriage. That's why when the first signs of the disease need to urgently consult with a competent specialist.