What does the right heel scratch?

A few decades ago, people did not have the opportunity to see the weather forecast or to predict some events, which is quite possible for modern life. That's why they were very observant and found certain patterns, for example, a low swallow flew by, it means it will rain. In general, there are a lot of superstitions and everyone can use them in ordinary life. The signs explaining why the right heel, nose, forehead, hand and other parts of the body are itch are especially popular. Almost every person is asked a similar question when there is an itch in the body. In general, such superstitions are a warning about some events.

What does the right heel scratch?

Our ancestors believed that the itching in this part of the body portends changes in the weather. If this happened in the summer, then it is worth waiting for the rain with hail, and if in winter, then there will be severe frost. There is another interpretation, according to which the heel is scratched before an important trip, and while nothing is known about it. In most cases, the trip is forced to go unexpectedly received news. As the right heel has combed it is not worth worrying about, as the road will be easy and the trip will end with a pleasant surprise. This is due to the fact that for a long time people believed that an angel and a demon are sitting behind the shoulders of a person who have influence on parts of the body. So, for the right half is responsible for the angel, so everything that is associated with it, has a positive character.

If there was an itching before the planned trip, then a sign explaining why the heel is heel indicates that the journey will be successful, you will get many new impressions and positive emotions. In addition, on the way you can count on luck and not be afraid of meeting with thieves and evil people. Another opinion explaining the sign, to which the right heel burns, indicates that it is possible that this evening will have to be held in a disco. Long ago people believed that itching in the area of ​​the right heel promises to win, like a bet or a lottery. In the near future, you can count on a successful resolution of all existing problems.

Counting on the fact that the signs about the heel will act, can only those people who have excluded any other reasons that provoke the itching. The problem may be the presence of allergies , fungus and other diseases. In general, if the itching does not disappear for a long time, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Magical Healing Rituals

There are several rites in which this part of the foot takes part. With their help you can attract luck and financial flow.

Ritual - "Money Trail"

If there are financial problems or if you want to improve your financial situation, you can hold such a rite. In general, you can carry out the ritual at any time, but to avoid embarrassment and not to cause strange views from outside, it is better to do this in the cold season when wearing socks. It is necessary to take a nail polish red and draw a dollar sign on his heels. In this case, the money will follow you literally on the heels.

Ritual - "Heel of luck"

If the ritual is conducted by the right-hander, then it is necessary to work will be with the right heel and vice versa. Start to stand with the so-called charging of the heel. To do this, you need to go to the bath, soap the sponge with soap and gently to her on the heel, saying these words:

"With a washcloth heel, for magic, charging!"

Make it necessary exactly 27 movements. This "charging" should be done at any time, when there is not enough energy. After this, you can conduct a rite to attract money. Bare feet rise to the floor and turn around clockwise on the heel, saying such a conspiracy:

"Turn on the right heel, my whole day goes smoothly!"

After that, you can count on the fact that luck will be on your side.