The rules of the game of checkers for beginners

Among the abundance of all kinds of entertainment for children, do not forget about all the famous checkers, but to play them, you need to learn the rules of the game, designed for beginners or children. At first glance, they are fairly simple, but in order to achieve victory, you will have to understand the essence.

Do not think that playing checkers is good for schoolchildren. Already starting from 3-4 years old, children can fully understand its basics and successfully demonstrate it in practice. Such a game is not only a pleasant time spent, but also an excellent training of memory, logic, and mathematical skills.

In addition to the development of mental functions, playing checkers allows too energetic children to become more assiduous, and this, often, is not enough for a modern schoolboy, especially in the early years of training.

How to play checkers - rules for beginners

Having set the coveted box in front of the child, delineated by squares, the adult's task will be in the following stages:

  1. It is necessary to explain to the child that each player has 12 chips of the same color (mostly black and white).
  2. The field for all of us known "Russian checkers" has a size of 8x8 cells - where light (for white chips) alternate with dark (for black chips).
  3. The board can not be installed in any position. According to the rules, the player who receives the white chips has the right of the first move and on his left hand the corner should be the dark sector.
  4. The chips are placed on contrasting colors through one cage. Thus, there are three horizontal rows.
  5. The chip can make a simple (quiet) move only diagonally and only one cell. If the place on its "road" is occupied, and then an empty cage follows, the chip jumps over the opponent and hits someone else's chip, which is removed from the board.
  6. If there are more than one obstacle in the way of the chip and there is a possibility to jump them in turn in any direction, but only diagonally, then all of them need to be beaten.
  7. The goal of any chip - as soon as possible to get to the extreme diagonal of the opponent, to become a lady - a chip, turned upside down and has special benefits. She can not walk on one cell, but on any number of them on a diagonal, thereby "killing" more opponents than usual.
  8. The winner is the one whose chip is left on the board or a draw can be declared when the game comes to a standstill.

Similarly, you can play "giveaway" when the goal is to substitute as much of your chips as possible. Understand these rules of the game in checkers, for children will not be very difficult and in half an hour the child will understand what the essence of such a desktop fun.