Carriages for triplets

The birth of the triplets is an extraordinary event, which happens extremely rarely. Happy parents already in the first days after the birth of the kids are facing a lot of problems. One of them is the first children's vehicle. Carriages for triplets, of course, can not be called either compact, or maneuverable, or light. However, for children, triplets, you can choose a convenient model, if you have useful information.

Ordinary children's goods stores rarely boast of a wide range of baby carriages for triplets, as they are not bought often, and they take up enough trading space. In online stores, things are better, because strollers for triplets are purchased by their owners on request for a particular client. Here you can get acquainted with various types of baby carriages for triplets, compare prices without leaving home, read reviews of other buyers.

Types of strollers for triplets

Despite tripling the number of small passengers, vehicles for triplets are produced in the same modifications as ordinary single-use strollers . In total there are three types: strollers-transformers, walking models and modular systems .

Let's consider these modifications in more detail:

1. For newborn babies need a stroller for triplets with cradles . Such strollers are considered to be the easiest, since the frame of the cradles is usually made of very light and durable materials. In most models there is no possibility of adjusting the backrest, but you can choose the option with an adjustable headrest. By and large, this option is not very necessary, because the cradles are used up to six months of age, when the kids do not sit on their own. When children grow up, the modular system can be modified by installing on the chassis three walking blocks (sedentary modules). In them, babies can sit and lie down. Walking modules are equipped with separate hoods, footsteps, bumpers. Since the needs of children at this age are different, the walking blocks are simply irreplaceable. While one kid is sitting looking at everything around, others can take a nap. And nobody prevents anyone! In modular systems of the "3-in-1" type, a car seat can be installed on the chassis. This is convenient if you are traveling in a car with kids. It is enough to decompose the chassis, take out the car seat from the car, and fix them on the frame of the stroller - you can travel with your mother on!

2. There are also strollers-transformers for triplets , which provide for the possibility of transforming sleeping places into sessile modules. It is enough to lift the backrest and lower the step. When choosing such models, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all the strollers-transformers have their back lowered by 180 degrees. If in summer this is of great importance, then in winter, thanks to coveralls and envelopes, this difference in angle of inclination is canceled. The most significant drawback of these wheelchairs is their considerable weight. If you live in a house, then weight does not matter, but for residents of high-rise buildings, transporting a transformer can be a real problem.

3. For toddlers who are already six months old, it is worth to purchase a stroller for triplets (cane or "book"). Such models are characterized by a relatively small weight and good maneuverability. In fact, a stroller is a combination of a walking module and a chassis.

Models for placing modules on the chassis

Most wheelchair models for triplet kids resemble a locomotive, since the modules on the chassis are placed one behind the other. This placement is the most compact, but only that kid, who will be lucky to go in the first module, will be interested to consider others. If the narrow doors of elevators, supermarkets and various establishments do not scare you, pay attention to the models in which the modules are attached side by side. It is extremely rare to see such an option: two modules are attached side by side, and the third is located opposite. By the way, strollers for triplets can be used not only for children of the same age, but also for weather conditions.