How to cook pizza in the oven?

It is generally accepted that pizza is a fast food. But if everything is done correctly, even such a simple dish can become a masterpiece of taste. We offer you a few recipes, completely different in the preparation of treats, but very tasty in the end.

How to cook homemade pizza in the oven?



Naturally, we will begin the preparation of pizza with the test. It should be simple and fast, even though it will be a yeast dough. So, the basic rule for an ideal pizza test is to keep the proportion of flour and water 3: 1, respectively. And a third of the flour is added gradually, because the flour is different and can be enough and 2.5 parts. Stir the yeast in water at room temperature, add a little salt, add 20 ml of butter and knead the dough gradually adding flour. As soon as it began to peel off from the walls, but remains slightly sticky, we lay out on a table, sprinkled with flour and made into it. Then we put it in a small container, cover it and let it stand for 40 minutes to start the yeast. After that, the dough will become tender and soft, and at the same time elastic. First, splash it with your hands and form a cake, then roll out the rolling pin from the middle to the edges. Pizza can be made rectangular, it's normal, but it's better to spread out the batter on the back of the baking tray, so it will be easier to remove it later. Spread the dough sauce, stepping back a little from the edges, from above spread evenly with salami, sprinkle with chopped basil and rub cheese. The most important thing is to bake the pizza quickly and at the maximum capacity of the oven, so warm it to the maximum and put the pizza for 5-7 minutes. After we get it and lightly sprinkle with oil and sprinkle with herbs.

How to quickly cook a delicious pizza in the oven?

Because The main time in the preparation of pizza is spent on dough, we'll take it ready.



The dough is rolled in the form of a baking tray, in the meantime the oven is already heated to the maximum level, we grease it with sauce and lay out small pieces of fillet, it can be taken as boiled fillet or raw as well. it is very quickly prepared. Tomatoes and mushrooms cut into thin plates and spread evenly over the entire surface. From above, sprinkle oregano and grated cheese and bake for 6 minutes.

How to cook pizza with minced meat in the oven?

Mincemeat for this pizza can be used any to your liking.



For the test, we dilute in water a little salt, 15 g of sugar and yeast, add 30 ml of oil and gradually pouring The flour is mixed with dough, which we then leave for an hour to rest.

In the meantime, let's make sauce, pour the remaining oil into the frying pan, warm it up and pour out the tomatoes, stew it for about 10 minutes, then add crushed garlic, remaining sugar, and spicy herbs, cook a few more minutes and remove from heat. The dough is slightly damped, rolled out, transferred to a baking tray, greased with the resulting tomato sauce, lay out the mince, cut on top thin slices of cucumbers and halves of olives. We cut the tomatoes thinly and spread it out on top of everything. Bake 8 minutes at 215 degrees.