Ortanol - indications for use

Orthanol is a drug that belongs to the group of proton inhibitors. It has antiulcer action. It is used to block the secretion of hydrochloric acid and reduce its content in the digestive tract.

Pharmacological action Ortanol

The main active substance of the medication is Ortanol - omeprazole. Auxiliary components - talc, lactose, giprolose and croscarmellose sodium. Ortanol is available in the form of capsules.

This drug actively reduces acid production. It acts as a pro-drug, which begins to act in the secretory channels of the stomach for 2 hours. For example, Ortanol is prescribed for heartburn for very rapid suppression of GIT secretion. The medicine lasts for 24 hours. The main pharmacological effects of the drug are achieved during the course of treatment, which should last at least 5 days, but they pass 7 days after its completion. Of the human body, Ortanol is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use Ortanol

The medicine is prescribed in such cases:

This drug is also used in the complex therapy of eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Ortanol tablets have found their application in the treatment of various lesions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract caused by various inflammatory diseases.

Take the drug 1-2 times a day for 20 mg before meals. Capsules can be dissolved in water. In order to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of peptic ulcer, Ortanol is used in a course, the duration of which is 14-28 days. If the patient does not feel better, the course of therapy should be extended for 1-2 weeks.

When Helicobacter pylori is eradicated, this medicine is used only together with antibacterial drugs. With such diseases as adenomases, Ortanol should be taken twice a day for 60 mg.

In case of an overdose, the patient may have:

Specific antidote has not yet been developed, so treatment of an overdose is symptomatic.

Contraindications to Ortanol

Even if you have indications for the use of Ortanol, you should not use it when hypersensitivity to the active substance (omeprazole) or other components of the drug. Do not drink these pills during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. The use of Ortanol is prohibited before the age of 18. With extreme caution, this drug should be used for hepatic or renal insufficiency.

With the simultaneous use of Ortanol with other medicines, the concentration of phenytoin and warfarin increases. As a result, the inhibitory effect on the hematopoietic system is significantly increased and absorption imbalance is possible. The drug does not affect the ability to control various mechanisms and drive vehicles.

Side effects Ortanol

All the side effects of Ortanol never have a serious negative impact on the patient's body and most often they are mild. These include:

In patients who suffer from liver disease, the risk of developing hepatitis increases. In very rare cases, when taking Ortanol, the patient has a disruption of coordination and aggression. With long-term treatment, there may appear such side effects as: