Kopeechnik forgotten - medicinal properties

Kopeck - this herbaceous perennial plant family of legumes has about 100 species and almost all of them are widely used in medicine. The medicinal properties of the forgotten kitten are incredibly diverse, and in the treatment of various ailments, not only the root of this plant is used, but also pieces of stems, partially ground and whole leaves, inflorescences. From the plant prepare tea, all kinds of broths and infusions, including alcohol.

Therapeutic properties of a forgotten penny

The composition of this medicinal plant includes bioflavonoids, catechins, tannins, free amino acids, coumarins, polysaccharides, saponins, vitamins , starch, pectin, etc. Preparations based on the root of a forgotten penny and its other parts enhance the production and activity of macrophages that allow the human body to reflect attacks of pathogenic microflora and viruses. They are taken as during seasonal colds, and for the treatment of skin infections, for example, herpes .

Since ancient times, the red root of the pennant forgotten, having such a color due to the catechins, is used as a natural non-hormonal stimulant of sexual activity in men. It makes tinctures and balms to stimulate blood circulation, improve the urinary system, eliminate stagnant phenomena in the prostate gland. This plant neutralizes free radicals, removes heavy metals from the body, which can be appreciated by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Use parts of this plant and for the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases. They moderately stimulate the work of the heart muscle and strengthen the walls of the capillaries. In addition, normalize the work of the digestive system. Have a soft, relaxing effect.