Pain in the right upper arm

The joints in the limbs, as a rule, are the hardest. These parts of the body in the life of a person take the most active part, and therefore the load on them is the maximum. Very often experts encounter complaints of pain in the right shoulder joint. It can appear for various reasons. Moreover, sometimes the painful sensations cause the most unexpected factors.

Why can the shoulder joint of the right arm hurt?

Even an absolutely healthy person can deal with this trouble. From physical overloads - one of the most common causes of pain - alas, no one is immune. And since most modern people regularly do not participate in sports, even the slightest burden for their joints can become a real stress. Most often suffer those who have to spend a long time in an unusual position - with their hands tucked up - during repairs or harvesting from trees in the country, for example.

Of course, there are other causes of pain in the right shoulder joint:

  1. Often specialists face painful sensations caused by tendinitis. In this disease tendons become inflamed. Distinctive characteristic of the disease - the pain appears only at the moment of maximum load. This is due to strong friction. Unpleasant sensations amplify if you press on the joint.
  2. Aching pain, most likely, indicate arthritis . This disease develops as a result of penetration into the joint of infection. Very often soreness is accompanied by the appearance of edema, redness, limited movements.
  3. Another cause of pain in the right shoulder joint is periarthritis of the humerus. This disease is quite common, and if statistics are to be believed, more than a quarter of the world's population suffers. The development of it is promoted by constant large physical exertion, serious injuries, severe bruises.
  4. The feeling of discomfort sometimes appears on the background of bursitis - inflammation of the capsule of the joint. Most often the disease develops in parallel with tendinitis. In addition to pain, the patient can observe redness and effusion in the affected area.
  5. If the shoulder joint of the right arm hurts and it can not be pulled back, it is very likely that the cause is in the capsule. This ailment is rare. From bursitis and periarthritis, it is distinguished by isolated inflammation of individual parts of the joint.
  6. In some women, pain begins after removal of the mammary glands. This is explained by the fact that the operation can change the blood flow in the chest and adjacent areas. And sometimes it's all the fault - a wounded vessel or nerve.
  7. It also happens that aching pain in the shoulder joint in the right arm develops because of the hernia of the cervical spine . Usually painful sensations extend to the forearm and neck. Together with them, there is a headache and severe dizziness. The longer the disease is neglected, the more uncomfortable the sensations will be.
  8. Some people have the right shoulder pain after a heart attack. As a result of a severe spasm, the blood vessels partially die, which leads to a violation of blood circulation in the shoulder region.
  9. Severe pain sometimes indicates a tumor or liver disease.

Treatment of pain in the right upper arm

The choice of therapy depends mainly on what caused the pain. Sometimes you can get rid of unpleasant sensations after several sessions of massages. In more difficult cases, patients have to take anti-inflammatory drugs, use special ointments and even inject injections.