This is important: 5 reasons why you need to throw away the old!

It is always difficult for each of us to part with things that were once dear to us. But if some people have enough will to admit that they grow out of their favorite clothes, household things break down and even furniture has a shelf life, others are ready to cherish one surviving ski from a pair that they once learned to ride or store worn out shoes in the old refrigerator in the loggia !!

The most interesting thing is that people from the first category are more likely to enjoy new things and enjoy life, but representatives of the second category, despite the frugality, alas, often have to make ends meet.

It seems that it's time to find out - why this happens and 5 important reasons why you need to get rid of the old and unnecessary!

1. The law of abundance: "For a new one to come, you need to get rid of the old."

The laws of the universe have not been canceled yet, and they work, whether you like it or not! And according to the law of abundance, the Universe (well, or Higher Powers) simply does not see a place where you can "send" something new, while at this point there is at times quite unnecessary old!

2. Chinese proverb - "The old will not go away, the new one will not come!"

Whatever you may say, Eastern philosophy developed not so briefly and violently as the European one, and for millennia it was absorbed by folk wisdom. Do you want to enjoy life, peace and harmony? So, we take the proverb!

3. According to the feng shui, old things block the free flow of the life-giving energy of Qi.

Daoist practice of symbolic development of space (feng shui) has long established itself as one of the most working! According to her teaching, until you allow circulating the vital energy of Qi, that is, do not throw away unnecessary things, rubbish, rubbish, no good changes in life or the purchase of new things and can not be! In addition, broken things or things with defects (sealed, strung, cracked) work like vampires - they take away your positive energy and strengthen the negative energy, affecting your health and well-being.

4. Emotional "anchors" of the past

When we find an old dress and try it on, apply perfume that was not used for 10 years, or hear a song, under which an important event happened once, then we come under the influence of the "anchors" of the past or, more simply, we are transported during the time associated with those memories (not always good). Alas, such contacts reproduce not only emotions, but old thoughts. And given that thoughts form our lives, we can unconsciously return to where we started ...

5. Mentality of the poor

Very often we can not part with old things, arguing that there is no money for a new one, and we will not be able to afford the same in the near future. And do you know what is happening at this moment? We begin to resonate with the mentality of the poor (to be on the same energy wave) and receive poverty in return. We literally program ourselves for poverty! At the same time, getting rid of the broken, old or unnecessary with thoughts "I'll buy more or the universe will help me choose even better", you can immediately jump into resonance with the rich and begin to "broadcast" the energy of prosperity!

Any thing, carries in itself the psychological energy, which it laid the man. If you have not used it for more than two years, or if it was not useful to you, it "dies". And everything that surrounds you should give joy, a desire to live and move forward. It's time to change life for the better and "clear" the space for happiness and abundance!