Alimony for two children

After the divorce, the children remain with one of the parents (most often with the mother), but this does not relieve the other side of responsibility for their material maintenance. Unfortunately, not all parents are conscious of this issue, therefore, the procedure for payment and collection of benefits, as well as their size, are regulated by law, especially if it is an alimony for two or more children.

The question of the monthly maintenance of children can be solved in two ways:

How much maintenance for two children?

In most cases, the amount of alimony for two children is determined by the court on an individual basis and depends on many factors:

On average, the payment for two children is in the proportion of 33% of the income of the parent. But here the problem often arises of "salary in envelopes" - when an unfair parent deducts in favor of children a percentage only from the official salary, which often makes up the permissible minimum. In this case, the problem can also be tried through the court, showing strong evidence that real incomes are significantly higher than those declared. To do this, it is necessary to gather a lot of information, to arm themselves with the support of witnesses who will be able to confirm the information provided.

Alimony for two children 2013

When establishing the amount of alimony, the court also takes into account the fact that the amount of child support per child must not be less than 30% of the subsistence minimum for a child of the corresponding age. In 2013, for children under 6 years this amount ranges from 113 to 116 cu. from the beginning to the end of the calendar year, and for children from 6 years it is from 110 to 116 cu.

Percentage of child support for two children from different marriages

In a situation where the father pays alimony for children from two different marriages, their amount will be equal to 25% of his income for each child. In the case of the birth of another child, the amount of alimony may be revised downward. In any case, the percentage of payments collected should not exceed 50% of the payer's income.

Minimum alimony for two children from a non-working parent

The payer can also try to evade the payments, arguing for his refusal with a heavy financial situation, lack of work and stable earnings. But this in no way frees him from responsibilities of keeping children.

In the event that the payer does not have a permanent place of work, stable earnings, is not officially registered at the workplace, the amount of alimony may be fixed in a fixed amount of money. For the maintenance of two children, this amount is the third part of the average minimum wage in the region of residence of a negligent parent.

If, in spite of the court decision, the parent does not make the necessary payments of alimony, the executive service is connected to the case, which can seize debts, as well as confiscate property for the purpose of selling it and repaying the debt.