The first signs of appendicitis

Appendicitis is one of the most famous diseases. To be precise, appendicitis is an inflammation of the process of the intestine. Most often, an appendix (this is the name of this small and problematic appendix) is inflamed in children under the age of thirteen. However, there were many cases when appendicitis was diagnosed in adults. How to recognize this problem? We will tell further in the article.

What are the first signs of appendicitis?

The main signs of the disease are different for men and for women, as well as for people of different age categories. The development and course of the disease can also be influenced by various physical factors. So, for example, the first signs of appendicitis in pregnant women do not quite resemble the symptoms of the disease, manifested in a perfectly healthy, regularly practicing athletic exercise, a person.

In general, we can distinguish several "anxious bells" - signs of inflammation of the appendix, similar for all groups of patients:

  1. The most common first signs of appendicitis are pain in the right lower abdomen. Pain can have a different character. In elderly patients, pain is weak, while young people can still writhe in pain.
  2. Constant bloating, unreasonable vomiting, upset of the stool and weakness - all this can also indicate problems with inflammation of the appendix.
  3. A sharp rise in temperature (up to 38 ° C or more) is also one of the first manifestations of appendicitis. Therefore, with this problem it is also recommended to consult a doctor right away - there is nothing without reason.
  4. Tension of the abdominal muscles is one of the main signs of problems with the peritoneum.
  5. Lack of appetite in some cases, too, can be triggered by an inflammation of the appendix.

Since appendicitis manifests itself in each specific case in different ways, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately after the onset of unpleasant pain in the abdomen and all of the above signs. In time, the appendicitis detected (at an early stage) can be cured by medication, otherwise it is impossible to solve the problem without surgical intervention.

Signs of appendicitis in women

Very often the symptoms of various diseases are mistaken for atypical signs of appendicitis. For example, doctors are often confused with appendicitis cyst of the right ovary and renal colic, as well as inflammation of the pelvic organs. To exclude such medical errors, the specialist should immediately appoint a full medical examination, including ultrasound and a general blood test .

The first signs of appendicitis in pregnant girls and women require special attention. At pregnancy to all standard attributes of an appendicitis one more is added: lying on the right side, the woman can test painful sensations. Immediate consultation of a specialist is required for pregnant women in case of any suspicion that indicates the inflammation of the appendix. The fact is that in pregnant women due to changes in the body all signs of inflammation can be expressed implicitly. For the problem to be diagnosed as early as possible, there is no need to wait "Until it's hot."

So, if you notice the first signs and manifestations of appendicitis in yourself or your relatives, what to do:

  1. First, in no case can you make a diagnosis yourself.
  2. Secondly, you do not need to take painkillers, because of this, the overall picture of the inflammation can be distorted, and the specialist will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis.
  3. And, thirdly, if the abdominal pain becomes simply unbearable and all the signs of appendicitis, as they say, are obvious, you should immediately go to an ambulance.