Aquarius is a characteristic

Born under the sign of Aquarius represent the element of air, the main slogan of which is "Freedom, Brotherhood, Equality,". So, equality is the lot of Libra, brotherhood is Gemini, but freedom is Aquarius.

Aquarius is led by two planets - Uranus and Saturn, and the graphic symbol of this sign - either two waves, or a man with two vessels with water. Two waters are dead and living water in both images. It is duality and changeability that is the main principle in the description of Aquarius.

a brief description of

Aquarians are always sociable, and they can not live without visiting visits and dinners arranged personally by them at the highest level. Sociability, the ability to establish contacts on the fly and to charm is a direct manifestation of the elements of air in the nature of Aquarius. However, if you stop to look at this sign for a little while, a brief description of Aquarius will reveal his isolation and detachment. Aquarius, while always there, where people gather, he will never take a place in the spotlight, remaining an observer, an attentive spectator and listener.

You can not miss out of the general characteristics of Aquarius lifestyle and dresses. Aquarius is extravagant and always dresses differently than others. Those born under this sign can easily find a moth-eaten rag from the grandmother's trunk and transform it into something that nobody has seen. Aquarians seem to be strangers in the present tense, they live tomorrow, and their statements are easily changed at the crossing.

Aquarius Woman

Characteristics of a woman born under the constellation and the sign of the zodiac of Aquarius, we simply have to start with her relationship with the opposite sex. The fact is that jealousy is alien to these ladies, they will never track down their mate, climb their pockets and phones. They forgive their men the lack of money, if only they were faithful, good friends, and accepted her social circle. At the same time, Aquarians are able to see the potential of men (they have great intuition) and direct it in the right direction.

The best partner for the Aquarius woman is a man with a weak temperament, because her physical attraction will be inseparable from the laws of discretion, sometimes she can even surprise with her coldness.

The beloved Aquarius woman will be the most faithful wife if a man accepts her social circle as her own. Aquarians are always looking for freedom, so do not ask them to disclose all the cards - although they are not inclined to deceive, but if it comes to the most intimate, Aquarians prefer simply to remain silent.

Male Aquarius

As we have already mentioned, Aquarians are contradictory natures. At first glance, the depiction of a man born under the sign of Aquarius is too much depravity. However, in fact, Aquarians are not sexual maniacs, they just always look for a new one both mentally and physically. Aquarius constantly thirsts for new ties, they tirelessly embody their most indecent fantasies. Despite the fact that the initiative to try "something new" in the couple always comes from it, the sexual characteristic of Aquarius says that these men like to obey women in bed. And obliging themselves to be married, they will embody their fantasies exclusively in the matrimonial bed.

However, Aquarius will only connect with a woman who is able to become his friend and like-minded person. Wives Aquarius should share their opinion in everything, only then you can talk about a strong and lasting alliance.

The Aquarius man needs care and coziness, so they get married early enough. At the same time, the memory of the first love will always remain in the heart of the romantic Aquarius.