How to cook mushroom soup?

Mushroom soup can be cooked as from any fresh, and from dried, and frozen mushrooms. And how to do it right without much trouble we'll tell below in our recipes.

How to cook tasty mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms?



Frozen mushrooms are laid in a saucepan, poured with clean water, salted to taste and set on the stove to cook.

During this time, we clean the potatoes and cut them into cubes of medium size, and carrots, onions and onion bulb are crushed and fried in butter in a frying pan until soft.

Transfer the contents of the frying pan into the soup, add a pinch of pepper, the desired spices, cover the container with a lid and cook with moderate boiling until the softness of the potato slices.

On readiness we give the soup for ten minutes to brew and serve, flavored with a little chopped fresh greens.

How to cook mushroom soup puree from dried mushrooms?



To prepare the soup puree washed thoroughly, dried mushrooms, pour them with water and boil for forty minutes. At the same time, we also put the peeled potato tubers and cut them arbitrarily and fill them with water, so that it only covers the pieces of the vegetable.

Upon the readiness of mushrooms and potatoes, the water is drained into separate tanks. Potatoes mass kneader, add cream, stir and bring the mashed potatoes to the consistency of yogurt, pouring for this potato broth.

In the frying pan, butter butter is peeled, fry in it crushed carrots and onions, add also boiled mushrooms and let it all together until lightly browned.

We spread the frying to the mashed potatoes, punch the mass with a blender and bring to the desired consistency with a mushroom broth. We warm the soup puree a little, but do not boil, add salt to taste, pepper and spices desired, and we can serve the dish, decorated with fresh herbs.

How to cook mushroom soup from fresh mushrooms in a multivariate?



Fresh mushrooms before preparing my soup, clean if necessary and cut into small pieces. Bulb free of the husks and shinkuem small cubes, and carrots are processed on a grater or shredded straws.

We put the vegetables in a multicastry, in which we pre-pour olive oil and process the contents in the "Frying" or "Baking" mode before browning. Now add mushrooms, peeled and sliced ​​potatoes, Bulgarian pepper and garlic, keep all together in the same mode for another seven minutes, after which we top up the boiled water, throw all the spices from the list, add salt to the dish and switch the device to " Soup". After about forty minutes, the dish will be ready for submission.