Drinking soda on an empty stomach - the opinion of doctors

Alternative therapies have always caused a lot of controversy between adherents of traditional and traditional medicine. To deny their effectiveness is sometimes quite difficult, but not every specialist is ready to admit it. The opinions of doctors were divided as to whether it is possible to drink soda on an empty stomach. Bicarbonate of sodium has long established itself as a good means for losing weight. Some experts even use it (and very successfully) to fight cancer. Other professionals, after hearing about the treatment with soda, involuntarily shudder.

Is it useful to drink soda on an empty stomach?

Soda drink has recently become one of the most popular means for losing weight. To test it took a lot of stars. Examples of their idols were followed by their fans. According to those who have already tried to take soda inside, this tool allows to say goodbye at least with five kilograms a week. Impressive result - it is not surprising that even despite the warnings of specialists, soda continue to be used.

According to doctors who advocate treatment with soda, to drink it on an empty stomach is useful for the following reasons:

  1. Bicarbonate of sodium improves the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  2. After using the soda solution, the general condition of the body improves.
  3. Soda more effective than many medications normalizes the acid-base balance , restoring the biochemical equilibrium in the body.
  4. Sodium bicarbonate takes an active part in the decomposition of fats and the purification of the body of toxins from slags and other harmful microelements that affect the formation of fat deposits.
  5. Thinking about whether you can drink soda on an empty stomach, do not forget that due to sodium bicarbonate, the tissues are replenished with vital oxygen and the onset of oxygen starvation is prevented.

Among other things, preparing soda drinks is easy. Yes, and they taste quite piquant and pleasant.

Is it useful to drink soda on an empty stomach - the opinion of skeptical doctors

Despite the impressive number of benefits, many specialists are more skeptical about the treatment of soda. The thing is that along with the benefits of sodium bicarbonate, there are some drawbacks and contraindications. Which, it should be noted, is also quite a lot:

  1. Even the weakest solution of soda adversely affects the gastric mucosa - it irritates it. Therefore, regular use of sodium bicarbonate may well lead to stomach ulcers or gastritis.
  2. According to doctors, soda on an empty stomach violates some metabolic processes, which can have negative consequences.
  3. Soda very poorly interacts with antacids. If you start treatment with sodium bicarbonate in parallel with the use of medications in this group, your health may deteriorate sharply.
  4. Soda solutions are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. It is very undesirable to be treated with sodium bicarbonate (especially when it comes to soda baths), if there are wounds on the skin, and if there are dermatological diseases.

Perhaps, the most interesting thing about the treatment of water with soda on an empty stomach is to know the opinion of oncologists. There are several cases in medicine where a tumor in a person who uses sodium bicarbonate solution initially decreased and subsequently disappeared altogether. And, nevertheless, it is not recommended to rely entirely on soda oncologists. Although recently more and more oncologists have been considering sodium bicarbonate as a means of further strengthening the body.