Tantra for women - energy management

There are many techniques aimed at self-development, so they include tantra. Regular practices teach you to correctly perceive and cognize your own body, how to disclose the internal energy potential, how to get rid of the negative and achieve inner harmony.

What is tantra?

The technique or tool for expanding one's own consciousness is called tantra. This is a special culture that determines the attitude of man to the world. To expand the boundaries of perception, it is customary to use the energy of chakras and in most cases it is sexual. Tantra - a way for a short period of time to gain any strength or wealth.

Tantric Techniques

There is a huge number of exercises aimed at expanding consciousness and adjusting certain areas of life. It is recommended to hold sessions in a warm room, where it is worth lighting candles or incense. There are a few simple exercises on how to do tantra at home. It is important to note that the presented techniques can be used for different purposes, for example, attracting love or improving the financial situation.

  1. The simplest exercise with which you can uncover the internal energy potential, sexual attraction and just relax. It is necessary to settle in a comfortable position and begin to breathe deeply and evenly through the mouth, but not in the thoracic, but in the abdominal way.
  2. Another available tantra involves the use of visualizations. Close your eyes and begin to imagine yourself in a place with only warm and pleasant feelings. Feel calm and serenity. Being in the world of illusion, a person can draw to himself the desired things in reality.
  3. The correct way of tantra implies proper perception of one's own body and for this it is recommended to sit naked in front of a mirror and carefully examine each part of your body, paying special attention to intimate organs.

Tantra - energy management

To adjust their lives with tantra, chakras are used - energy centers that are able to transform the energy that enters them. The main is the chakra located on the back of the head and it is responsible for the energy of kundalini, which is the information of past incarnations. Energy tantra involves the use of meditations, diets, visualizations and a special world view. At the initial stages of training can look like this:

  1. Be in a comfortable position and relax using the familiar meditation techniques.
  2. Concentrate your attention on the chakra and imagine how a ray of energy enters from it from space, saturates the body and expands consciousness.

Tantra is the art of love

The relationship between a man and a woman who are in a pair, according to tantric practices, must be based on respect and harmonious coalescence. Partners must perceive each other as higher beings. Tantra of love implies concentration on the love chakra, which is in the heart region. There are techniques that you can use for couples:

  1. Partners must sit opposite each other and their task is simply to touch different parts of the body, transferring their warm energy, tenderness and love.
  2. The next tantra implies the unity of lovers, for which it is necessary to lie on one side and cuddle together. It is important that the bodies are directed in one direction and have the most identical pose. In this state, it is recommended that you stay for a while, making slow breaths and exhalations, feeling like a single whole.

Tantra - the secrets of sexual ecstasy

It is believed that true pleasure can be obtained by practicing tantric sex, the purpose of which is not to get an orgasm, but to concentrate on your own feelings and emotions.

  1. Partners should be as relaxed as possible so that energy flows can interact freely with each other.
  2. Of great importance is breathing, through which the souls are connected. It must be deep and smooth. Experts recommend during the process to hold each other's hands and concentrate on the rhythm of the partner's breathing.
  3. Sexual tantra for women and men implies long caresses, allowing to study the body of a partner and give him real pleasure.
  4. It is important to choose postures with the maximum sexual contact.
  5. On the body of a man and a woman are positive and negative poles and if properly stimulated first, then the attraction will intensify. A woman has a positive pole in the chest and heart area, and a man in the genital area. Negative poles, on the contrary.

Tantra of the "left hand"

All techniques are divided into right and left, so the second is aimed at improving consciousness and protecting from harmful mental processes. Tantra of the "left hand" necessarily implies physical coition. The main goal is to call and hold the kundalini energy. Tantra of the left hand uses a variety of sexual practices, meat and intoxication, which does not favor the tantra of the right hand.

Tantra and Christianity

In the analysis, it is possible to find common features between tantric systems and Christian traditions. The closest is the tantra of Kashmir Shivaism, because the main school is called "Trika", which means "trinity", on which faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is based. Another similar feature is the emergence of divine Grace, as an important condition for the spiritual development and deification of man. In many ways meditation and prayer are similar. If we consider the opinion of the church, then tantra and Orthodoxy have nothing in common, and such a comparison is blasphemy.

Tantra - books

In the bookstores you can find a huge amount of literature on the topic of tantric practices, for example, the following publications:

  1. "Tantric Love" Sarita Ma Ananda. This book presents modern tantra in the form of meditations, designed by master Osho. In addition, the secrets of breathing, massage and sex are revealed, which help improve the quality of sexual life .
  2. "Introduction to Tantra. Transformation of desires »Lama Yeshe . Tantric teachings are represented by a great master and a famous teacher of modern times. Reading this book, a person goes through all the stages of tantric art.