Diet on strawberries - the most effective options

Strawberries are perhaps one of the most favorite berries. In the spring, in the strawberry season, we are happy to absorb a huge number of berries, not realizing that this is a valuable dietary product, and that, with strawberry alone, you can successfully get rid of a few extra pounds.

Is it possible to strawberries on a diet?

Strawberries are an excellent dietary product. Among the pluses - few calories, lots of vitamins. The diet on the strawberry is good because its fibers, filling the stomach, help not to feel hunger. Can I eat strawberries on a diet? Necessary! Strawberry is one of the best body cleansers, mainly used in cleansing diets, and weight loss is a pleasant bonus of such diets.

Diet on strawberries and yogurt

In addition to diets, where the main and only participant is the strawberry itself, there are diets in which other foods are added to it. Strawberries combine well with kefir during a diet. Three-day kefir-strawberry diet:

  1. Breakfast : you can eat any light food, for example, salad
  2. The second breakfast : strawberry-kefir cocktail (400 g of strawberries and a liter of kefir whisk in a blender).
  3. Lunch : boiled chicken breast or fish with a light salad.
  4. Dinner : strawberry-kefir cocktail.
  5. 2 and 3 are the same day.

Diet on strawberries and cottage cheese

Very good with strawberries is combined cottage cheese, adding the missing calcium and protein. Strawberry with a protein diet perfectly complements the main products. The main thing is to eat about 400 grams of cottage cheese a day, adding up to 1 kg of berries. This diet can also be used as a one-off day. The diet on strawberries and cottage cheese is very well tolerated. Here are some dietary curds and strawberry recipes.

Curd dessert №1



  1. From half of the berries make juice.
  2. Curd the cottage cheese thoroughly and add to the strawberry juice.
  3. The remaining berries cut, mix everything. If you do not like cottage cheese without sugar - add honey.

Curd dessert №2



  1. Gelatine is dissolved in warm water.
  2. Cottage cheese grind in a blender, mix with gelatin and add honey.
  3. 0.5 kg of strawberries to cut, mix with the curd mass. All pour into a mold and put in the refrigerator for 2 h before solidification.
  4. The remaining strawberries decorate the dessert.

Diet on strawberries and cherries

Strawberries have a valuable property - it has a negative caloric value , that is, its assimilation requires more energy than when it is received. This is important for those who are dieting. With all the advantages of strawberries, it has a very big drawback - it is exclusively allergenic. Therefore, in some diets it can be replaced by another berry, for example, cherries. In the cherry little more carbohydrates, but also fiber. Cherries and strawberries on a diet - the safest option - to replace dinner with berries.

Menu of the strawberry-cherry diet:

Express diet on strawberries

Diet only on strawberries can last no longer than three days. Eat strawberries instead of breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. The amount does not really matter, since strawberries are so non-nutritive that the likelihood of an overdose is very low. However, in order not to get an allergy, you must adhere to a reasonable amount, about 1 kg per day. You can drink green tea or filtered water without gas. This diet will help you get rid of 2-4 kg. As the berry strengthens intestinal peristalsis, on a diet it is possible to eat strawberries only on weekends.