Flower gloxinia

Often on the windowsill house plants that blossom in different seasons are placed. These include gloxinia, which pleases with beautiful flowers, very similar in form to small gramophones.

Gloxinia is also called syninginia beautiful - it is a perennial tuberous plant that blooms from April to November twice and has a distinct period of rest in winter.

There are a large number of varieties of this flower, differing in color and form. The most popular among them are terry gloxins, whose flowers have several rows of petals. Such as:

Of the simple varieties of gloxinia, the following are often grown: Brokada, Avanti, Hollywood, Mont Blanc, Kaiser Wilhelm.

Planting and care of the flower gloxinia

Despite the fact that this plant came to us from faraway Brazil, it's easy enough to take care of it. You just need to know a few secrets:

  1. To gloxinia blossom well, it needs daily long-term coverage . You should put it in the penumbra or where there is diffuse lighting. Western and eastern windows are best for this. That the bush was formed evenly, it is necessary every week to turn it the other side to the sun.
  2. Water the flower carefully, avoiding overmoistening. It is recommended to do this only in the evening, using warm water. Gloxinia likes high humidity. It is for this purpose that the pot is placed in a pallet filled with water and pebbles.
  3. The optimal temperature for growing it in summer is + 20-22 °, and in winter - + 10-12 °.
  4. Fertilize in spring and summer every 2 weeks. Use for this can be a variety of complex mineral fertilizing for flowering indoor plants , for example, such as "Belvito" or "Kemira luxury."
  5. After flowering gloxinia, proper care is needed: watering, feeding, pruning and resting for 2-3 months.

If the growing conditions are not properly organized, then the flower may not bloom at all.