How to cook a poached egg?

Before you cook the poached egg, make sure the eggs are fresh, since the result of the prepared dish depends on their quality. Use vinegar, which will allow the protein to "wrap" the yolk, and do not add salt, as it gives stiffness. The cooking time of eggs varies from 2 to 5 minutes and affects the consistency of the yolk. Cooked eggs are served with toast to breakfast, with vegetable salads for dinner and, of course, are the basis of the recipe for eggs Benedict.

Egg poached - cooking

In a separate bowl, break the egg. In a small saucepan, pour a little water and gradually bring it to the stage of easy boiling.

Pour in the vinegar and as soon as the first signs of boiling appear on the bottom of the pan, start spooning the water into the funnel with a spoon. Gently pour the egg into the center of the funnel, for this, as close as possible to the water, lower the bowl with a broken egg.

The water should remain at the same stage of light boiling, and the egg should be ground for 4 minutes.

After enough time, take the egg out of the water with a noise and immediately serve it.

Egg poached in a package

Lubricate the package with vegetable oil, gently beat the egg and firmly tie the packet.

Dip into boiling water so that it does not touch the bottom.

Hold for about 4 minutes. The only drawback of this method is the somewhat broken appearance of the finished egg.

Egg poached - cooking recipe in microwave oven

If you want to cook something unusual for breakfast, while having a minimum of time in reserve, prepare the poached egg in the microwave. This will take about a minute, and the result will be the same as in the classical mode.

In a bowl, allowed to use in the microwave, pour freshly boiled water, add the vinegar and gently beat the egg, without damaging the yolk.

Place the dishes in the oven and cook for 60 seconds at maximum power.

Take out the bowl, remove the egg with a sieve, let the water drain and serve the egg on a slice of toasted toast.

How to boil an egg poached at home?



The most difficult thing when cooking poached eggs is to determine the degree of readiness. Initially, the readiness was determined by one minute and the lashed egg fell into ice water. Now, with the classical method of preparation, the egg is considered ready after 3-4 minutes. It is during this time that the yolk becomes creamy, and the protein is elastic.

Consider how to boil an egg poached, without resorting to the intricate way of torsion of the funnel in the water.

In a saucepan, boil the water, lower the heat, not allowing the water to boil. Add a couple drops of rice vinegar, in a strainer break the egg and let the excess protein drain.

Dip the egg in water and cook for 3-3.5 minutes.

With this cooking method, the shape of the cooked egg is ideal.

How to cook an egg poached in the technique of suvid?

The technique of the sovid assumes a prolonged fretting of the product at a stably low temperature. Thus, cooks prefer to cook meat, fish and eggs. Unlike other products, eggs for a sovid do not need to be placed in a sealed bag, or you can simply dip it into warm water.

Although this method takes much more time, but the result is incomparably better.

The egg is put in a colander, so that the excess protein is stacked, and the remainder is put in water heated to 62 degrees (the temperature is controlled with a thermometer). Your ideal egg poached restaurant level will be ready in an hour.