Third birth - how many weeks?

Unfortunately, the third birth is quite rare, because not every woman decides to have more than two children. On the other hand, the third pregnancy , as a rule, is desirable and planned, and the woman herself, already following the "beaten" ways, knows what to expect. There is an opinion that the repeated pregnancy ends earlier than the previous one, so the future triple moms are interested in how many weeks the third birth occurs.

Features of the third pregnancy

As a rule, pregnancy with a third baby is much easier and calmer. On the one hand, a woman suffers less from toxicosis, on the other - a pregnant woman is not worried about the fear of forthcoming births. Speaking about the term of the third birth , many specialists note the early onset of labor. If the first toddler woman wears about 40 weeks, then the third birth, as a rule, begin at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.

Whichever week the third birth begins, the labor activity in this situation is usually rapid - up to 4 hours. Rapid birth is due to an easier opening of the cervix.

Complications of third birth

Despite the fact that the third baby appears much faster and, as a rule, is easier than its predecessors, the birth has its own characteristics. It is worth noting that during the third pregnancy there is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the course of which should be observed by a qualified specialist.

Third births are often accompanied by secondary weakness of labor. Because of the overgrowth of the abdominal wall and the weak musculature of the uterus, the activity of labor activity in the second stage of labor can decrease, which will require the use of medications.