Cucumbers in tomato for the winter

Unfortunately, not all housewives know which cucumbers are suitable for canning, and which ones are better to crumble into a summer salad. Remember a few simple "not":

  1. Cucumbers choose not greenhouse, and soil.
  2. Whatever the tasty and beautiful greenhouse vegetables, they are not suitable for canning.
  3. Of course, we choose fresh vegetables for conservation, freshly ripped from the beds, but not littered in the sun.

The easiest

The easiest way to roll marinated cucumbers in tomato for the winter, the recipe is quite simple and combines the taste of pickled cucumber with ketchup. Such harvesting will serve not only as an excellent snack, but also as a basis for soups.



Cucumbers soak in cool or cold clean water for about 3 hours, then rinse well and cut off at both ends about 4-5 mm. Fill them with boiling water and leave for half an hour. At the bottom of the cans we put dill and garlic, pepper. You can add greens for taste - sliced ​​horseradish leaves, currants, cherries. Tomato juice is used only at home - without preservatives and the kind in which we are sure. We boil it, stirring, with salt. You can pour a little vegetable oil, but it is not necessary. Cucumbers put into jars, pour boiling juice, we sterilize the jars based on the capacity: 1 liter a quarter of an hour, 2 liters - 25 minutes, 3 liters - half an hour. We roll it up and let it cool down in a warm place. As you can see, to close cucumbers in tomato for the winter is very simple.

If time is short

According to the previous recipe, cucumbers are closed whole in tomato for the winter, but if we wait for steaming cucumbers and sterilize the cans once, let's do it easier, roll the cucumbers in tomato slices for the winter.



Cucumbers mine and cut into thin slices, circles. Tomatoes are mine and we pass through a meat grinder. You can then blanch them with boiling water to remove the skin. In tomato juice, add finely chopped or crushed garlic, salt, sugar, dried herbs and vinegar. Cook until the foam stops appearing on the surface, then pour in the oil and add cucumbers. We boil our workpiece for about a quarter of an hour, after which we spread it into sterilized jars and immediately close it.

Cucumber is obtained in slices, quite sharp in tomato, for the winter such a sunset is one of the best options. It is perfectly stored and will please in a season of shortage of vitamins. Such preparations for the winter as cucumbers in tomato are not just an alternative to salads. It is a real storehouse of vitamins for the cold season. In addition, preserving cucumbers in tomato for the winter makes it possible to dream up and prepare something unusual with a minimum of costs and time, and finance.