Channing Tatum: "About Sex in Life and at Work"

A popular Hollywood actor and favorite of millions of women, Channing Tatum, as is known, was a professional stripper in the past, which not only does not hide, but is also proud of his achievements. Recently, the actor admitted that he did not mind once again "shake the old days". According to Channing, many people secretly dream to go on stage in the nude and perform the coveted dance, however, sometimes they hesitate to admit it even to themselves.

Surrender to feelings

Here's what the actor told in a recent interview:

"This is a unique feeling, real emotions, once experienced, I want to repeat again and again. Many men and women secretly dream about it, and only a few manage to translate their wishes into reality. My friend, with whom we once worked together, now, like me, lives a different life, but yearning for dances, occasionally still allows himself to come out again on stage. Maybe I'll dance one of these once too. My colleagues created a great show based on the movie about the super Mike. I often ask myself before appearing in public: "Why is this all?" Sexually, my wife and I are doing fine, but even before her without clothes, sometimes I do not feel completely comfortable. Good sex is great, but, in any case, this fact can not be fundamental in relations between spouses. Meanwhile, my wife and I are doing fine, and even more so. Jenna is a professional dancer, and like many people who dance, she is very sexy. Dancers in general are naturally naturally sexy. But still, do not think that any family problems can be solved in the bedroom. "

Down with the lawlessness

Channing Tatum also expressed his opinion about the recent scandal surrounding Harvey Weinstein, with whom he collaborated until recently, in particular, on the project of the film-maker "Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock".

After clarifying the details of the improper attitude to the actresses on the part of the producer, the actor expressed his gratitude to all brave women who challenged the ongoing lawlessness in the film industry and severed all working relations with The Weinstein Company.

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He calls on all colleagues to follow his example:

"Abuse of working conditions must be eradicated and we must in every way promote this."