How to get rid of nits?

Pediculosis is not that rare in modern society. Even the most thorough hygiene of the scalp can be impotent before the risk of infection with lice, for example, in close public transport. Fortunately, there are a lot of means that effectively help to get rid of parasites that inhabit the head of a person. But what if after the destruction of adult individuals on the hair left a legacy in the form of their larvae? Let's look at several ways to get rid of nits.

How easy is it to get rid of nits?

Since from larvae of lice, or simply put, nits, very quickly (from 5 to 7 days) a new individual can hatch, then it is best to tackle the issue of threat destruction immediately. After all, if you miss the moment, then the procedure for weeding lice with chemicals will have to be repeated again and again.

It should be noted that the most popular means - shampoo from lice - mostly operate only on the individuals themselves and do not help to destroy the adhesive structure of the larvae.

If you do not know how to quickly get rid of nits, then the most effective and almost instantaneous will be the cutting of hair "to zero." True, this option is more suitable, of course, to the male, but the girls should look for other ways.

Going to the pharmacy

Now in a drugstore it is possible to pick up set of preparations which will help with struggle against this problem. To destroy nits, it is best to purchase funds on the basis of the following substances:

After hair treatment with these toxic substances, even larvae of lice die.

And here is how to get rid of dead nits, in order to exclude even the slightest probability of the parasites'

  1. To do this, you need to buy a special comb with very thick teeth and have patience, since you have to manually comb each strand of hair.
  2. Hair needs to be divided into small strands and alternately combed with their comb, paying the most attention to places behind the ears and on the back of the head.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is recommended to re-process the chemical means, in order to exclude the possibility of the appearance of new individuals.

Folk methods

If chemical preparations do not suit you and you want to know how to effectively get rid of nits at home yourself, then read the following recipes:

  1. You can use cranberry juice, which destroys the sticky substance of the larva and makes it easy to comb it out. To rub the juice is recommended for seven days.
  2. A hair dye that does not allow living individuals and their nits to breathe is a fairly effective way.
  3. A good remedy is a mixture of shampoo with three drops of tea tree oil that paralyzes the breath of lice and nits. Literally after several procedures, there will be no trace left of them.

You can also rinse hair with mint and pomegranate:

  1. You need to pour two spoons of mint grass with a glass of pomegranate juice.
  2. The resulting mixture must be boiled.
  3. After cooling, the liquid should be rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair.

You can apply for tar hair soap or bite, which enjoy the glory of effective fighters with this problem. Here's how to get rid of nits with a bite:

  1. Dilute 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Apply the liquid to the hair and hold for 30-40 minutes.
  3. At the end of time, it is good to comb out each strand of hair, paying attention to the places of greatest accumulation of nits.
  4. After all, wash the hair thoroughly with warm water.

Now you know several ways how to get rid of nits for good. But it should be remembered that only careful personal hygiene and stress resistance of the body can guarantee you health and getting rid of such problems. Therefore, try to avoid places of possible infection and personal communication with infected people.