How to cook pork ribs in a frying pan?

Sometimes, you so want to relax, call your friends and skip a glass of beer with something in the wind. Just do not need to run to the store for chips and crackers! Buy better pork ribs, and we'll tell you how to fry them or put them out in a frying pan to make it delicious. Believe with such a snack for beer, the evening will be simply grandiose: everyone will be full and heartily happy.

Fried pork ribs in a frying pan



Swine, fleshy ribs washed under running water, dried and cut into small, neat pieces. Fold the ribs in a bowl, sprinkle them with any seasoning for meat, salt and mix everything. In a bowl we connect in equal quantities ketchup with mayonnaise and pour them on the ribs. Again, everything is mixed and we remove everything to the side, somewhere for half an hour, so that they are slightly impregnated.

We heat the frying pan, with the vegetable oil poured, until the fragrant smoke goes. Pork ribs take one at a time, a little removing from them with your fingers a mixture of ketchup with mayonnaise, and put it on a heated frying pan. Fry them, constantly turning over, not letting them burn. The ribs, which have assumed a golden-reddish color, can be considered ready.

Preparation of such fragrant and mouth-watering pork ribs, fried in a frying pan takes you an hour, but it will be a great pleasure!

Recipe for stewed pork ribs in a frying pan



Ribers are immersed in a container of water, thoroughly washed and dried with a kitchen towel. We cut it in small thin pieces, but so that they had something to eat. We put them in a deep cup, peppered with pepper and salt, poured with soy sauce and kefir, carefully mix everything with clean hands and put it in the cold for one hour.

With thin semirings we cut an onion, we pass garlic through a press and we put everything into one plate. We impregnate the impregnated edges onto a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. We roast well on high heat, but we constantly watch so that they do not burn out and turn them over. We spread to them onion with garlic, we fasten some gas and fry until the onion is ready. Then reduce the fire to a minimum, water the pork ribs with white table wine, top up the water and cover with a suitable lid, stew for 30-35 minutes.

The ribs cooked according to this recipe should preferably be served hot and with a potato garnish.

Pork ribs in a frying pan



Clean, ready-to-cook pork ribs, cut into not very thick pieces, so that it would be easier for them to be fried. We put it into a deep container, we pepper with pepper and seasoning for a shish kebab, then the meat on the ribs will be more fragrant and really remind the taste of the shish kebab. In a bowl we pour salty soya sauce, pomegranate juice, add honey and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting marinade we water the ribs, and for a uniform distribution, we mix them. We set aside everything for marinating, for three hours.

After the time has elapsed, take the grill, pour a little olive oil and put it on the stove. We put on it the pickled pork ribs and fry from each side for 4-5 minutes, until the formation of a golden crust on the ribs, with caramel tint.

From such beautiful, fragrant and appetizing pork ribs, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away!