How to feed a puppy Staffordshire Terrier?

If you decide to have a dog, and especially the breed Staffordshire Terrier , then even before purchasing a puppy you need to carefully study all the features of its contents. This concerns, in the first place, the characteristics of feeding. After all, how healthy and balanced your diet will be depends on its health and appearance.

How, how and how many times to properly feed the puppy?

Asked how to feed a Staffordshire terrier puppy, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Feed the puppy at a specified time, do not overfeed.
  2. A newly purchased puppy (usually at the age of 45-50 days) the first 10-14 days is better to feed, strictly following the recommendations of the breeder. During this period, he must receive the food he is accustomed to. Then, meat and meat products - beef or veal (initially scraped, and then finely chopped or minced), lamb, poultry meat , eggs are gradually introduced into the diet. Protein food should be 30% of the total diet. It is necessary to give fish as a source of phosphorus, but only marine, since the river can be infected with helminths. Be sure to include in the diet of lactic acid foods and cottage cheese, especially useful is calcined. From cereals, preference should be given to buckwheat, oat flakes, wheat and barley. Some breeders of puppies cook porridge from a mixture of the above cereals after six months. Be sure to give vegetables, as a source of vitamins, you can add freshly chopped fresh herbs.
  3. Be sure to include in the diet of the puppy vitamin preparations, which include vitamins B, A, D, E, C and trace elements. They can be purchased in vetaptekah. Be sure to pay attention on the norms of giving such drugs depending on the age of the puppy.
  4. For the prevention of rickets and the formation of a strong backbone in the period of intensive growth, the puppy should be given mineral supplements (calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate, activated carbon, natural chalk). About the quantitative composition and the norm of giving mineral supplements, consult a veterinarian.
  5. If you prefer dry food, then choose a high-quality feed that matches the age of the puppy.
  6. An important question is how many times to feed the puppy. Here we are guided by age: in 2-3 months we feed 5 times a day, 3-4 months - 4 times, 4-8 months - 3 times, and from 8 months can be transferred to a two-time meal.

Many are also interested in the question, which is difficult to give an unambiguous answer - what kind of food is better to feed the puppy? Dry food, of course, is perfectly balanced in composition. But many experienced breeders, nevertheless, prefer natural food.