Livedovax - analogues

Drugs classified as hepatoprotectors are used to treat liver diseases. One of these is Livebowx, whose analogs are discussed below. The drug helps to normalize the gallbladder, regulates the production of bile and has a protective effect on the liver.

When is Livedefux appointed?

The medicine has a choleretic property, prevents the death of cells and activates the release of toxic elements through the intestine. In addition, Livedax 300 mg and analogues helps to reduce cholesterol, which improves the dissolution of stones. Because the drug is widely used in therapy against liver and gallbladder pathologies.

An agent is prescribed for hepatitis, acute inflammation of the bile duct, autoimmune diseases, reflux-esophagitis and gastritis, cholangitis and for the prevention of medication. The drug is effective in removing stones and preventing their reappearance. Its immunomodulatory effect is aimed at inhibiting antigens and activating lymphocytes.

How can I replace Liverax?

The main active element of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid. There are several tools that have this active component. However, they can have other substances in themselves, which can increase or decrease the effect of the drug. Therefore, resort to the use of substitutes is only after consulting a doctor.

The synonyms of Livewox are:

In some cases, the patient is prescribed a cholenzyme , the active ingredient of which is dry beef bile, intestinal membranes and pancreas. The medicine helps with disorders of digestion, unbalanced diet or overeating. It has practically no contraindications and can even be used in the therapy of pregnant women and children.

Features of Lilewox analogs

Depending on the individual characteristics of the effect of the drug may be different. Some note a good result from taking Livedoxes, comparable to using other expensive analogs, others show a slight improvement.

Treatment with Urdox is accompanied by flatulence and nausea, some exacerbate psoriasis.

Cholenzim is well tolerated by patients, but people who adhere to vegetarianism consider this drug unacceptable for themselves.