No monthly, but not pregnant

Women of all ages are frightened by the absence of menstruation or its delay, even for several days. The first thing under suspicion is an unplanned pregnancy. We run to the nearest drugstore for the test and, having done, look forward to the result. Well, there is one strip on the test, which means that there is no pregnancy. Then what is the reason and why are there no long periods? It turns out that the delay in menstruation can be affected by a lot of reasons. Some of them we provoke ourselves, while others occur in addition to our will.

No monthly after birth control pills

When reception of hormonal preparations with medical or contraceptive purpose begins, at first (about three months), such delays are observed. They usually do not exceed 5-7 days. If the cycle is not restored for a long time, then a gynecologist's consultation is needed, it is possible that this drug is not suitable for you or there is a hidden disease that manifests itself in this way.

After the abolition of contraceptives, a natural cycle for a woman is gradually restored and at this time there may also be delays. If they do not stop for a long time, then most likely there was a hormonal failure, requiring medication.

No monthly, and the test is negative - what are the reasons?

Often, one test strip to confirm pregnancy is small. After all, the reagent can be overdue, and the procedure itself is incorrect. Different manufacturers of tests have significant differences in products, and where one will show two bright stripes, the other can not reveal anything at all. Therefore, to make sure that there is pregnancy or not, you need to try, at least, five tests of different manufacturers with different sensitivity.

A more reliable way to determine or refute a pregnancy is the analysis of HCG, which is already carried out everywhere, although it is not cheap. If he did not show the presence of an interesting situation, then the woman is a direct road to the women's consultation. At a primary examination, various abnormalities can be detected and additional tests can be prescribed for a comprehensive examination. If the gynecology is good, then it will be necessary to consult a doctor of the endocrinologist.

Why does not a young girl have a period?

When at the age of 12-15 years the girl is just beginning to menstruate, then the delays during this period are quite frequent and are not considered as such. After all, the normal cycle is established throughout the year, and the monthly cycle may be absent for several months.

Modern girls are ready for any sacrifice, just to be slim and attractive. And if nature has endowed the girl with magnificent forms or she simply considers herself fat, diet and starvation are in use. At any age, significant limitations in food invariably lead to a violation of the hormonal background, and even the development of amenorrhea - a complete absence of menstruation.

Sports can also play a cruel joke, especially if you begin to engage in it spontaneously, without proper preparation and with heavy loads. The monthly cycle is knocked down and continues until the body adapts to the load.

How to become pregnant if there are no menstruation?

It also happens that there is no menstruation, and ovulation is, and means, the opportunity to become pregnant, too. Stressful situations, taking medications, infectious disease, climate change - all this can be a fertile ground for pregnancy, even if there are no monthly ones. Is it only necessary to become pregnant without having found out the reasons for the end? After all, later it is not the best way to affect the bearing of the child.

In principle, you can get pregnant if there is no menstruation, but several cycles must pass for this. Another example of pregnancy in the absence of monthly bleeding is breastfeeding. Everyone will find more than one story about how the mother did not suspect her interesting position until the last, feeding her older child .

The situation when a woman does not have a period, but she is not pregnant is quite common, in gynecological practice. This in itself is not a disease, but often indicates a malfunction in the body that must be found and eliminated in the near future, without putting it off.