Day of Mary Magdalene

The veneration of Mary Magdalene by the Catholic Church is somewhat different from the Orthodox. Orthodoxy speaks of it only as a myrrh-bearer, delivered from the seven demons, and also appears in the Gospel in only a few episodes. The Catholic Church has long identified Mary Magdalene with the image of a repenting harlot, accompanied by a huge number of legends.

Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ

Maria was born in Galley, in the town of Magdala, on the shore of Lake Gennesaret. She was young and beautiful, but at the same time she led a sinful life.

The Lord cleansed the soul and the body of Mary from sins, cast out all demons from it. After healing, the woman began a new life. Leaving everything, along with the other myrrh-bearers, Mary followed her Savior and became his faithful disciple. She never left Jesus and showed a touching concern for him. Mary Magdalene was the only one who did not leave Christ when he was taken into custody. The fear that made the other disciples of Jesus abdicate and flee, Mary Magdalene helped overcome the love for him. Mary Magdalene stood with the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Cross. She experienced the sufferings of her Savior and shared the great sorrow of the Mother of God. The moment the soldier stuck the end of the pointed spear in the heart of the silent Jesus, a painful pain also pierced the heart of Mary Magdalene. For her love of Jesus Mary Magdalene was honored to be the first to see the risen Savior.

Saint Mary Magdalene preached the Gospel in Rome. There she brought the emperor a chicken egg, uttering the words: "Christ is Risen." Emperor Tiberius doubted that the dead could rise again and demanded proof. At that moment, the egg turned red. Thanks to Mary Magdalene, the tradition appeared on Easter Sunday to spread eggs among all Christians.

When celebrate the Feast of Mary Magdalene?

The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene on July 22, and the Orthodox Church on the second Sunday after the Blessed Christ Sunday, the Day of the Myrrhbearers.

What are they praying to Mary Magdalene?

To St. Mary Magdalene, Christians and Catholics treat with prayer when they need protection from harmful addictions and temptations that destroy the soul and body - alcoholism, drug addiction, licentious lifestyle. Another prayer to Mary Magdalene protects from witchcraft influences. Mary Magdalene is the patroness of hairdressers, as well as pharmacists and pharmacists.