Dysplasia of hip joints in dogs - a detailed description of the disease

The diagnosis of hip dysplasia in dogs does not sound promising. The ailment adversely affects the mobility of animals, it causes pain and discomfort. The disease is particularly susceptible to dogs with a large weight and large physique, which experience intense physical activity.

Dysplasia in dogs - symptoms

If there is a genetic predisposition, the disease can overtake the animal at an early age. Cases where signs of dysplasia in dogs are observed in six-month old puppies is not uncommon. Incorrect fit of the head of the bone to the joint cavity can be suspected by the nature of the movements of the dog and its changed habits. It is obligatory to show the pet to the veterinarian if:

Dysplasia in dogs causes

The appearance of problems with joints can be preceded by many factors. Special vigilance should be shown to the owners if the puppy's parents suffered from this disease. Dysplasia of joints in dogs is not considered an innate disease, it can become a trigger mechanism for the development of pathology:

Diagnosis of dysplasia in dogs

Timely detection of the disease is the guarantor of a speedy recovery and the return of the pet to a full life. Therefore, at the first suspicions, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination. Preliminary diagnosis - hindlimb dysplasia in dogs, a qualified specialist puts immediately after the examination. The veterinarian conducts a test for mobility, probes limbs - this information is enough for him to set the algorithm for further action.

To determine the degree of hip dysplasia in dogs and the appointment of treatment, X-rays are additionally made. The snapshot provides complete information on the nature of the joint damage and helps determine the optimal therapy. In modern, well-equipped clinics for complete diagnosis of dogs carry out arthroscopy. This is an expensive but informative procedure that allows studying the structure of the cartilaginous tissue and the degree of its damage.

Analysis for dysplasia in dogs

In order to prevent the disease, owners of large breed dogs try to pass the test for dysplasia beforehand. As practice shows, the first signs of an illness can occur at the age of 2-9 months. However, experts do not recommend rushing to conclusions, as violations in puppies can be temporary, associated with intense and uneven growth.

Hip dysplasia in dogs can be definitively diagnosed no earlier than 9-18 months (depending on the growth and the breed). This does not apply to hereditary pathologies, which are clearly visible when the puppy achieves 4 months. A test for dysplasia is an indispensable official document for dogs claiming to breed. Although the absence of disease in the parents is not considered a guarantee that the puppies will not be prone to the development of pathology.

X-ray diagnosis of hip dysplasia in dogs

Dysplasia of hip joints in dogs is diagnosed by means of an X-ray and a test for hypermobility. And the first and second procedures are conducted under general anesthesia. Therefore, before conducting a study, a consultation of a cardiologist and an anesthesiologist is necessary. Full saddling of the dog ensures its correct location and as a result of obtaining quality reliable images in all the necessary projections. After all, even the most calm and obedient animal will strain muscles and ligaments, which will prevent the correct placement of articular surfaces.

Dysplasia in dogs - how to determine at home?

To suspect an ailment of characteristic symptoms at first is problematic. Dysplasia of the joints in dogs is determined by the naked eye only at advanced stages, when the animal experiences severe discomfort and pain. This state is accompanied by:

Degrees of dysplasia in dogs

By the way dysplasia is manifested in dogs, one can judge the degree of development of the disease. According to the classification of the International Cynological Federation, the disease has several stages of development:

Prophylaxis of dysplasia in dogs

A radical measure to prevent the development of disease in dogs of large breeds - the exception of breeding individuals with this disease, gives its results. However, heredity is by no means the only factor that can provoke the development of a disease. Even animals with excellent pedigrees can be prone to disease. Dysplasia of the joints in dogs often develops as a result of external factors. To prevent possible problems, the owners must remember that:

Hip dysplasia in dogs - treatment

Correct the development of dysplasia and provide the animal with a decent quality of life perhaps conservative and surgical methods. Traditional therapy includes:

The answer to the question of how to treat dysplasia in dogs involves surgical methods. Depending on the individual characteristics of the four-legged patient, surgeons can conduct:

Massage for dysplasia in dogs

This procedure has an analgesic and health-improving effect. Massage relaxes muscles, relieves pain, improves blood circulation. Dysplasia in dogs, treatment of this ailment often includes massage in a complex of mandatory procedures. You can execute it at home, following simple rules: