Sauce for shavermi

A specially prepared shaverma is a great way to satisfy a strong hunger quickly and at no extra cost. However, this dish, which came to us from the East and settled on our expanses, will be much tastier if it is supplemented with spices and special gravy. The original sauce for shaverma can be very diverse and open up to you a completely new facet of taste, changing the attitude to this dish, traditionally considered a low-grade fast food. It is prepared very easily and without unnecessary complications.

Sauce for shaverma on kefir

This dressing is ideal for the summer, when you want something refreshing. The cool taste of yogurt with a sharp note of garlic will perfectly complement the hot meat, excellently exciting the appetite.



Garlic clean, then grind with a blender, grater or press. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, then add herbs, spices, garlic and pour in kefir. Slightly salted and pepper. All thoroughly mix and leave for half an hour to insist in the refrigerator. This recipe for sauce for shaverma is very simple and will suit even a beginner cook.

White sauce for shaverma

This seasoning will please real aesthetes from cooking. It does not contain mayonnaise, which is considered not very useful, and a fresh cucumber in combination with fresh herbs makes a special note to its exquisite taste. If you are dieting, you should prefer this sauce for shaverma, cooked at home.



Well wash the cucumber and thin coat peel it off. Pulp with a medium sized grater. Peel the garlic and grind it using a blender, press or garlic. Wet the dill with warm water, dry and finely chop. In yogurt add grated cucumber, pour greens, then mix garlic and season with salt and pepper. All well beaten with a mixer, leave for a couple of hours stand in a cold place and serve to the table.

Garlic Sauce for Shaverma

If the soul wants something sharp and piquant, this dressing is the best that was invented in the history of the preparation of shaverma. The sauce perfectly enhances the appetite and even enhances the mood.



Peel the garlic and grind it to a smoothie state using a blender. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise and ryazhenka, add garlic mass, season with salt, pepper and curry (to taste) and you can immediately serve the dressing to the table. If you are not sure how to make the right sauce for shaverm, try this recipe - and it will work out.

Unconventional sauce for shavermi

When just about to come guests or you just want to surprise your loved ones with an unusual dish, try to prepare a dip-dip in this way. This sauce for shaverma is done without mayonnaise, so it can be eaten even by people with health problems.



Wash and peel the garlic, then grind it with a press, blender or crush. Wash the lemon and squeeze out the juice from it, while at the same time putting the potatoes to boil. In a shallow container, combine half the necessary sunflower oil with garlic mass and lemon juice. Beat the mixture with a blender until it becomes whitish, then add the remaining oil and whisk again. Then add the yogurt and whisk until the consistency of the mixture becomes thick.

Separately, pour boiled potatoes and add a few spoons of mashed potatoes into the sauce to your liking. Do not forget to beat everything with a blender. Now the refueling needs to be settled in the refrigerator for at least half an hour - and it's ready.