Pancakes from oatmeal

From "Hercules" you can cook not only porridge - no less delicious and useful pancakes from oat flakes. And since they are also prepared for a short time, you can please yourself for breakfast or lunch delicious pancakes.

If you've never cooked oatmeal pancakes before, we recommend you try the recipe simpler, which you can cook for everyone.

Pancakes on yogurt with oat flakes



To begin with a melem "Hercules" with a coffee grinder into flour and mix with wheat flour, then salt, beat eggs separately, soda, slaked vinegar, add to kefir. We combine kefir with eggs, pour in 2 spoons of butter and start to add a little salted flour. Well vymeshivaem that there are no lumps. Let the pancake batter stand for about half an hour, then warm up the pan and fry the pancakes, turning them over with great care, as they are easy to tear.

You can cook pancakes on oatmeal without flour - it will turn out both easier and tastier. However, in this case we will fry pancakes, more like pancakes .

Pancakes on oatmeal without flour



Oat flakes are poured on a clean, dense linen napkin, folded and rolled with a rolling pin to slightly stretch them. We pour into the enameled container, pour kefir and leave for half an hour or 40 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, eggs, salt and water. Stir until homogeneous and immediately fry our pancakes in a hot frying pan. It is better to make them small - so it's easier to turn over.

If you want to cook lean pancakes without eggs (this recipe is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians), we use bananas. It turns out sweet, hearty pancakes, which it is better to include in the diet before lunch.

Pancakes with banana and oat flakes



Place flakes, bananas and water in the working container of a blender or other similar device and whisk until smooth. Using a spoon, distribute the dough in a frying pan, in which the oil is already well heated. Such oatmeal pancakes are prepared for about 2 minutes on each side. Serve for tea, of course, without sugar.