Friable rice for garnish - recipe

Rice is the simplest garnish you can think of! But it turns out, there are a lot of recipes for preparing crumbly rice for garnish. After all, there is no secret that not every landlady does not get this grain as she would like. For those who want to learn how to properly cook loose rice for a garnish, we will disclose a few secrets.

  1. The dishes for cooking should be wide, so each rice will get the same amount of moisture. It is desirable that it was a dish with a thick bottom, and not the usual enamel saucepan.
  2. Before cooking, rice must be thoroughly rinsed. Thus, the starch layer that prevents the rice from being crumbly is washed off.
  3. With starchy plaque, you can fight and by calcining in oil, so the starch is simply roasted, and the rice gets a beautiful golden hue.
  4. Never open the lid and do not mix after the water has boiled. With mixing, the grains are damaged and they release the same starch from which we have already got rid of.
  5. Always observe the proportion: rice - 1 part, liquid - 2 parts
  6. Do not forget that rice will increase 3 times in volume and choose a container of the appropriate size.

Recipe for crumbly rice with vegetables for garnish



Rinse the rice well and turn it over the sieve to make the glass water. In the melted butter in a saucepan pour out the dried rice. We give him a little soak in oil and pour out the water, salt, add a pinch of turmeric for the color, mix, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. After this, stir the last time, the temperature is reduced to a minimum and leave to cook for a quarter of an hour.

In the frying pan, we sink the oil, quickly fry the chopped garlic with rosemary (rosemary is better to take fresh, but it will also be dry), add the chopped onion. After a couple of minutes, we pour out the vegetables (Mexican ones are better, because they have a lot of legumes, and with them rice is best digested), as soon as they finally melt, pour in the wine, evaporate it, and roast the vegetables until golden.

Mix vegetables with rice and serve with fish or chicken.

Loose rice in Turkish

Rice - it's pretty common for us cereal and surprise someone with such a side dish is very difficult. This recipe on how to cook ordinary steamed friable rice on a side dish, but only in Turkish and please the loved ones with an unusual taste of a long familiar garnish.



Rice soak in hot water for 20 minutes. Rinse 3-5 times.

For cooking, a Teflon dish (frying pan, pan) or with a thick bottom, or ceramics, is also suitable. We pour oil vegetable. The oil can be mixed: vegetable with creamy. Warm up, make a weak fire and pour the washed rice. Periodically stirring, letting the oil soak the rice, it should become transparent. Somewhere 5-7 minutes. The longer we soak the rice, the more friable it will turn out. Now add water, mix with milk (the ratio of water and milk can be different, the main thing is that in general the liquid was 1.5 cups). Cover the lid, do a strong fire to bring to a boil. Immediately reduce to the minimum value and, without opening the lid, wait until all the water boils. Approximately 15 minutes. Check for water. If the whole boils off, then turn it off. Rice will be undercooked a bit. We take a paper towel, cover them first, and then cover, and leave for 15-20 minutes. The towel is needed to absorb excess moisture, otherwise the rice will be wet and sticky. Even if the rice is ready, and the liquid is left, do not worry. Just put a thicker layer of paper towels, they will fix it.

This portion is designed for two, and if you need to make a lot of rice, then it is better to pour it with hot water to quickly boil.