Classic Eggplant Caviar

Eggplant can be used to prepare a wide variety of snacks for every taste. One of these is eggplant caviar. It can be made simply as an additive to a summer lunch or dinner, or cook for the winter.

The variants of the billet proposed below do not contain vinegar, so that the taste of caviar only benefits.

Classic fried eggplant caviar for the winter - recipe



According to the classic recipe, all the components of the caviar, except for tomatoes, must first be separately fried on any vegetable without the aroma of oil. To do this, washed eggplants, peeled bulbs and Bulgarian peppers cut into cubes, and grate the carrots through a medium grater. Before you start grinding tomatoes, they need to be lowered for a couple of minutes into boiling water and rid of skins. After that, shred tomatoes diced, as well as the bulk of the vegetables for caviar.

Now in a large saucepan fry the eggplant slices, and in a pan alternately brown the onions, carrots, bell peppers and shift the vegetables in a container to fried eggplant. Finally, add the tomato mass, add salt to the caviar, pepper, add the sugar to taste and mix. We place the container with the workpiece on the burner plate with a moderate fire and let the contents boil with periodic stirring. Reduce the heat to a minimum and let the components of the eggs for an hour, from time to time stirring. For about ten minutes before the end of the preparation of the appetizer, we add crushed, pre-peeled garlic teeth and, if desired, melenko chopped greens.

We pack the boiling eggs on sterile jars, we seal them tightly and turn the bottom up. Immediately wrap up the vessels with a blank "coat" and let them gradually slowly cool.

Classical summer eggplant caviar - recipe in a multivariate



Preparation of vegetables before cooking caviar in a multivark is not much different from the technology described above for frying them in a frying pan. Similarly, shake washed eggplant cubes, grind the peeled bulbs and peppers sweet Bulgarian, and grate the carrots on a grater. Tomatoes can be chopped in a blender or cut into cubes. In the latter case, the tomatoes must first be peeled.

Now we set up the multivark for the function "Fry" or "Baking", pour into the bowl of the oil and lay the prepared bow. In about five minutes we add carrots, and after another three - sweet Bulgarian pepper. Next, we lay eggplant cubes and translate the device into "Quenching" mode for thirty minutes. After the signal, add tomatoes and tomato paste or sauce, flavor the components of the caviar to taste salt, sugar-sand and pepper and leave to stew for another 40 minutes in the same mode. In the end, we add chopped chives to the caviar, we blot it out for another five minutes, and we can pack the hot billet in sterile jars. Capping containers with covers, we place them in an inverted bottom upwards under the "coat" before cooling.

Caviar on any of the recipes can be finished with a submerged blender after cooking, after which you have to warm it for a couple of minutes before you lay out on jars.