Water diet

The water diet is a diet based on the use of drinking or mineral water. Water in human nutrition occupies an important place, since a person on 2/3 consists of water. Getting into the body, water contributes to the regulation of body temperature, the dissolution of mineral salts, it also takes part in the transport of nutrients and the withdrawal of metabolic products.

On the recommendations of nutritionists, it is better to start your day with a glass of plain or mineral still water. For best effect, you can squeeze a little lemon juice into a glass with water. If you want to lose weight and get a healthy and beautiful body, drink 20 minutes before eating half a cup of water at room temperature. Water partially fill the stomach and contribute to a decrease in appetite. Between meals, or just during the day you can drink cold water, because the lower the temperature of the water, the more the body needs to expend energy to warm it to the required state. With this little trick, you can get your body to burn a few extra calories, but drinking too cold water is not recommended. It is also necessary to know that on hot days to avoid overheating the body consumes more fat than usual. Therefore, on hot days you can increase the amount of water you drink.

Water diet for weight loss

Since water plays a significant role in nutrition, a three-day diet on the water will be an excellent solution for losing weight! During such an aquatic diet, it is necessary that the amount of liquid drunk per day is about 3 liters. The total amount of liquid can include pure water, coffee, tea and water contained in food. Tea and coffee should be sugar-free, and food should be prepared without the use of salt, because salt detains fluid in the body, and this can lead to edema. Salt can be replaced with soy sauce and sugar with honey. Caloric content of a daily diet should not exceed 1300 kcal. Use water during the water diet is necessary in an amount that prevails over the other sources of liquid. The diet can be both on mineral water, and on usual.

Diet on mineral water

Diet on mineral water will help lose weight and normalize metabolic processes in the body. Duration of the diet is two weeks. After this complex, it is recommended to take a break for a month. You need to use the diet in the warm season, in spring or summer, then some of the liquid will come out with sweat, and this will not overload the kidneys and bladder. Observance of water diet in the cold season is fraught with a violation of thermo balance in the body, because of which you can be very cold. Calculate the amount of water you need to drink during a diet can be calculated from the weight in kilograms divided by 20. For example, your weight is 70 kilograms, divide 70 by 20, get 35. Your water norm per day is 3.5 liters. But you need to start with 1.5 liters, gradually increasing to the required rate.

Otherwise, the diet of mineral water is similar to the diet of the previous diet

Diet on water and bread

Diet on water and bread, too, apply to water diets. But if in a water diet you can eat practically all the products from your usual diet, then in the diet on water and bread, from food products, the predominant cut bread should be.

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