Reasonable selfishness

Each person is partly selfish, although there are those who attribute themselves to the category of altruists, denying any selfish manifestations in their behavior. But it is important to know that egoism is both reasonable and unreasonable. Let us consider in more detail the first type.

Theory of reasonable egoism

If to speak in scientific language, then this kind of egoism is a term that establishes for each individual a fundamental priority of their own interests over the interests of either the public or other personalities. For a better understanding, let us analyze this concept by the example of a woman who was thrown by a lover.

So, she comes to see a psychologist and already at the first session asks herself: "What to do when you realize that a person has not treated you humanely, you understand with your mind that there was no love, and it hurts your soul ? "The answer is simple: to include in your heart a function of healthy selfishness, that is, instead of grieving sweet and shedding tears with your kilograms, you need to remember your beloved. foreign language, update your wardrobe, not fencing off while at the same time from communication with others.

Thus, it is important to note that the principle of reasonable egoism is something like the golden mean between selfishness and altruism .

When a woman experiences the concept of reasonable egoism from the first days of acquaintance with her chosen one, she brings up in him a sense of such responsibility that will come in handy when the lady makes happy his consent to consolidate his happiness by marriage.

It is important to remember that you need to let a man take care of you. Be sometimes weak and defenseless. Include healthy selfishness. In relations with the powerful of this world, this theory should be guided. Love yourself much more than your mate. Your partner will only love you with the strongest love, when you will show such love towards yourself.