Ozena - symptoms, treatment

This disease is called a "fetid headache" but, believe me, it's not just a coryza in the lake. Let's talk about what ozhena is, what symptoms and treatment exist.

The main symptoms of the disease are the

The first cases of the lake were described by ancient scientists, but to date the causes of the disease remain a mystery. Some researchers believe that the lake is infectious, their colleagues make assumptions that the provoking factor of the disease is malnutrition and poor living conditions. But they both agree that in the lake there is a significant expansion of the nasal cavity. This is a cause, or a consequence - it is difficult to say, but it is possible that the phenomenon may have a genetic origin. Consequently, the ozen is a hereditary disease. His symptoms are not confused with anything else:

It is the crusts, which sometimes completely cover the nostril cavity, are the most vivid and unpleasant manifestation of the lake. They consist of accumulations of lymph and pathogenic microorganisms, which in the process of vital activity exude an extremely unpleasant smell. In severe cases, it is felt at a distance of several meters from the patient. The other symptoms of the lake are far from unambiguous.

Features of treatment of the lake

Treatment of the lake at home is possible only in the early stages of the disease, when the amount of crust is still small, the bulk of the epithelium and olfactory receptors are intact, and tissue necrosis is not observed. In this case, it is necessary to perform tamponization of the nasal sinuses using a weak solution of potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine , or Yodglycerin. In neglected cases, chlorophyllokartin paste and methods of physiotherapy are used. When relapse, surgical intervention is shown, as a result of which narrowing of the nasal cavity is achieved.