Jelly from compote

Excessive enthusiasm in the summer can lead to the fact that your pantry in the cold season will be filled to the brim with banks with blanks. Gloriously, if each of them will be in demand, but if the excess remains, let them on the basis for desserts. In the recipes, we'll talk about how to make a compote .

Jelly from compote - recipe



Dissolve 15 g of gelatin in a warm compote and set to freeze, pouring on a baking tray with high sides. Dissolve the remaining gelatin in half a glass of cold water, and then pour another 240 ml of boiling water. In the gelatin solution, dilute the sugar crystals and pour everything to the melted vanilla ice cream. Jelly from compote cut into cubes, mix and pour the jelly from the ice cream. Again, let the dessert freeze, and then cut into portions before serving.

How to make jelly from cherry compote?



Dissolve the gelatin in a glass of compote in a water bath. Gelatin solution pour into the remaining compote, mix and set to freeze, pre-spread on the baking sheet fresh or canned cherries.

Homemade jelly from peach compote



Dissolve the jelly in half a glass of cold compote, heat the remaining compote and mix with the gelatin solution. Whisk the compote with canned peaches and complement the puree drink with honey (if the compote is not sweet) and lemon juice. Set it to freeze and serve with a handful of granola top.