How to lose weight in the sides?

The question of how to lose weight in the sides, is relevant for many women, because this is one of the first area that suffers from excess weight . In order to achieve quick results, you need to approach this issue in a comprehensive way, and then in the first month of classes you will see a bright result.

How to lose weight in the sides and stomach?

The first thing you need to review is your food. Whatever exercises you do, if you eat too many simple carbohydrates (sweet, flour, pastry, etc.), then the sides will stay with you. That's why to start, lead your diet to a more correct form:

  1. Breakfast: tea, a couple of boiled eggs, salad of sea kale.
  2. Lunch: vegetable salad, light soup, compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: an apple or an orange.
  4. Supper: lean meat, poultry or fish with a light garnish of stewed vegetables.

If you do not imagine your life without sweet, eat a small portion of your favorite dish for breakfast, replacing them with breakfast from eggs (but not completing!)

What to do to lose weight in the sides?

Without leaving home you can find a beautiful, slender waist. For this you will need only two simple and inexpensive projectiles: a skipping rope and a hoop (better modern, heavier, weighing 3 kg). Every morning jump with a skipping rope for 10-15 minutes and twist the hoop as much. One of these two activities can be postponed to the evening.

Many believe that the sides are helped by exercises on the press . Yes, the muscles will strengthen, but your fat from them will not disappear anywhere. That's why you need proper nutrition and aerobic load (skipping rope), as well as an active massage (which makes a hoop for you).

Want to know how fast to lose weight in the sides? Eat right every day, and practice every day. That's the whole secret. And when the fatty layer is reduced, connect the exercises, as in the video below.