Exercises for breast osteochondrosis

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system must be treated with motion. How? Depends on the specific case, because with certain problems, active movement is contraindicated, then the patient is assigned a massage. But with chest osteochondrosis will have to work on the exercises.

Benefits of Exercises

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are appointed for several reasons.

First, they must increase the mobility of the spine and the amplitude of rotation of the joints.

Secondly, with the help of the exercise of LUTS in chest osteochondrosis, the stiffness of the deep muscles of the back is overcome.

And, thirdly, gymnastics makes it possible to "breathe deeper" and this is not a joke. In osteochondrosis, patients often experience pain during breathing. Therefore, instinctively, they begin to breathe superficially, which leads to hypoventilation of the lower part of the lungs. That is, there is a deficit of oxygen, and this in the long term may cause pneumonia.

Complex exercises for breast osteochondrosis does not just activate breathing itself due to physical exertion, but also, relieving pain, relieves fear of breathing.


  1. IP - lying on the back, we pull the socks forward, hands pull up. The legs and arms are completely straightened, stretch the back.
  2. We pull the socks on ourselves, gently move our heels. These exercises for the treatment of chest osteochondrosis are used as a warming up of the muscles of the back, as well as normalization of the position of the spine.
  3. Hands to the sides, we pull the knees to the basin, we lower them smoothly to the right, the head is turned to the left. We relax our back as much as possible. We unfold the head, move the pelvis to the right, lower the knees to the left and turn our head to the right.
  4. IP - the same, we breed our knees on the sides in the "butterfly", lifting the pelvis up. We lower the pelvis, not connecting the knees. We raise the pelvis on exhalation, lower it by inhalation.
  5. Feet together, raise your knees to your chest, grab your knees with your hands. We lift the head and press it to the knees - fix the position. We lower head and feet to the floor.
  6. We place the legs on the width of the pelvis, hands along the body. We lift the pelvis on exhalation, fix the position and lower it to the floor. You can complicate the exercise by climbing your toes. Omitting, we return the heels to the floor in the last place.
  7. Bend the knees to the chest, we pull the head to the knees, hands wrap our legs. Fix and return to the floor.
  8. Do the lifting of the pelvis up from the position lying on the floor with bent and divorced knees. Hands along the body, fingertips touch the heels. Complicating, climbing the socks.
  9. Knees to the chest, tear off the head from the floor, legs clasped hands.
  10. Half-bent legs are raised vertically, hands clasped knees, rolling on the back.
  11. We put our feet together, our knees are bent to the side, our hands rest on the floor, we sit in the "butterfly". Arched in the back, we tear off the pelvis from the floor, we transfer the weight to the back of the feet.
  12. We put our legs together, we wrap our knees around our hands, pull ourselves up against the legs and round our backs.
  13. We spread legs on width of a basin, hands we lower on a floor. Lifting the pelvis, break away from the floor, the body forms a straight line, the legs and hands in relation to the floor and the body are perpendicular.