Cream for a cake of condensed milk is appreciated by professionals and beginning confectioners, because it is simply prepared and always turns out perfectly. This is the merit of a concentrated product, whose excellent compatibility with other dairy components gives a tremendous taste, a variety of consistencies, which makes it possible to soak biscuit, sand and wafer cakes.
How to make a cream for cake from condensed milk?
Cream for condensed milk cake has dozens of recipes. All of them are united by the ease and simplicity of cooking. As a rule, the condensed milk is beaten with a mixer with butter, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese. If necessary, add sugar powder, nuts, lemon juice, fruit. Put the cream in the refrigerator or immediately soak them with cakes.
- Cream based on condensed milk for a cake will be much more delicious, if you use a variety of additions. To achieve the taste of walnuts, you can use a tablespoon of cognac. A few drops of lemon juice will be removed in the cream of excessive sweetness.
- Cream for a cake of condensed milk with the addition of butter or sour cream quickly melts, so soaked cakes should be kept in the refrigerator.
- Fans of experiments can add a little milk powder and coconut chips to the cream - with these ingredients the mass will acquire the taste of the famous "Bounty" bar.
- Separate recipes assume chilling of the cooled components. To do this, you should also cool the dishes, in which the preparation of the cream will take place. In the express version, you can place it in a wider container filled with ice.
Cream with boiled condensed milk for a cake
Some recipes of cakes initially need a stable and saturated impregnation, so many housewives prefer a cream for a cake with condensed milk, using it in a cooked form. In order for it to acquire a more malleable consistency, the condensed milk is beaten with a mixer with soft oil, emphasizing the caramel taste with a drop of brandy.
- boiled condensed milk - 380 g;
- butter - 200 g;
- cognac - 10 ml.
- Put soft butter and condensed milk in a container.
- First, lightly mix the ingredients with a spoon, then - whisk with a mixer.
- Add cognac to the cream for cake from boiled condensed milk and whisk again.
Cream of sour cream and condensed milk for a cake
Cream with condensed milk and sour cream is a universal option. A gentle mass has good penetration, so it makes any type of cakes tastier and juicier. The cream can be applied in a thick layer, without worrying that it will spread, as the condensed milk stabilizes the mass. In this case, the components are whipped with chilled and only whisk.
- sour cream 40% - 550 ml;
- Condensed milk - 150 g.
- Combine the well-cooled sour cream and condensed milk in a cold bowl.
- Whip the mass with a whisk until fluffy.
- Cream for a cake of condensed milk without oil is cooked for 5 minutes.
Oily cream with condensed milk for a cake
Cream for biscuit cake from condensed milk - a classic of confectionery, consisting of two components, is prepared quickly, copes well with impregnation of the cakes, and thanks to high stability - and with their alignment under the mastic. With this cream it is easy to work and can not be spoiled, and its glossy and silky texture fits to baking of any kind.
- butter 82% - 250 g;
- evaporated milk - 380 g;
- vanilla sugar - 10 g.
- Add sugar to the soft butter and whisk the mixture with a mixer for 2 minutes.
- As soon as the oil becomes fluffy, pour a thin stream of condensed milk.
- Continue beating for 5 minutes.
- Ready-made cream oil for a cake with condensed milk can be immediately taken to work.
Creamy cream with condensed milk for a cake
A cream for a cake of cream and condensed milk will require a basic knowledge of confectionery craftsmanship. Often, whipping cream the housewives get the oil. Avoid the incidents will help chilled cream with a fat content of 35%, a small speed of whipping and a nozzle-whisk. In addition, the main thing is to stop in time: when the furrows appear on the mass, the process should be stopped.
- cream 35% - 500 g;
- condensed milk 250 g.
- Whip the chilled cream at a low speed by adding a thin stream of condensed milk.
- Gradually increase the speed.
- The whipping process should last 10 minutes.
- As soon as the cream for a cake from condensed milk acquires stable furrows, the process must be stopped.
Cream cheese with condensed milk for cake - recipe
Cream for a cake with mascarpone and condensed milk combined the Italian charm and Slavic practicality. Due to the high fat content and silky texture mascarpone, it turns out thick and delicate, and the consistency and taste of condensed milk is sufficient to obtain a viscosity and a pleasant taste. This is an alternative to curd creams, prepared from raw eggs.
- mascarpone - 500 g;
- evaporated milk - 200 g.
- Beat mascarpone lightly.
- Add the condensed milk and, starting with a low speed mixer, whisk, gradually increasing the speed.
- Finish whipping at maximum speed as soon as the mass becomes fluffy.
Cottage cheese cream with condensed milk for a cake
Cream of cottage cheese and condensed milk for cake is suitable for those who are in search of inexpensive and useful impregnation. In this case, the lactic acid product is an indispensable component. In combination with condensed milk, sour cream and butter, even the most dense cottage cheese gets a light texture, which is perfect for sandwiching biscuit and sand cakes.
- cottage cheese - 450 g;
- butter - 250 g;
- condensed milk - 250 g;
- sour cream - 250 g.
- Mix the cottage cheese and sour cream in the bowl of the food processor. Well grind them.
- Add the condensed milk and roll again.
- Separately, beat the butter with a white mixer.
- In portions, add the curd mixture to the butter, without stopping to work with a mixer, until the cream is fluffy and homogeneous.
Cream for cake from manga and condensed milk
Cream with condensed milk for a cake is varied in composition. Among the standard set, the variant with the addition of manga, which is an excellent basis for thick and nourishing cream, stands out. The process of cooking manga for cream is similar to cooking porridge, but unlike the latter, it is beaten with butter and boiled condensed milk, giving the mass smoothness and uniformity.
- boiled condensed milk - 380 g;
- oil - 250 g;
- semolina - 150 g;
- lemon juice - 40 ml;
- milk - 500 ml.
- Fill the semolina with cold milk and carefully break the lumps with a whisk.
- Put the mixture on the stove and stirring, cook for 5 minutes.
- Cool, whisk with condensed milk and butter.
- Season with lemon juice and whisk again.
Custard for cake with condensed milk - recipe
Custard for cake with condensed milk is incredibly popular. Milk-flour base, cooked to a density, whipped with butter and condensed milk, has a delicate, smooth consistency and a pleasant creamy taste. The latter can be regulated by adding a regular or boiled condensed milk, which will help soak both "Medovik" and "Napoleon".
- condensed milk - 380 g;
- milk - 450 ml;
- Butter - 190 g;
- flour - 80 g;
- sugar - 40 g.
- Whisk the milk with flour and sugar until smooth.
- Put on the stove and cook 5-7 minutes until thick.
- Cool to room temperature, add soft butter, condensed milk and whisk well.
Cream for condensed milk and banana cake
Banana cream for a cake with condensed milk will add unpretentious homemade baking to brightness and color. In it, a light banana flavor is supplemented by the tender taste of the fruit, which extinguishes the sweetness of condensed milk and makes the cream balanced. True, the cream has a liquid texture, which is ideal for soaking cakes, but not for baking decor.
- banana - 2 pieces;
- Condensed milk - 200 g;
- butter - 250 g.
- Cut bananas, add condensed milk to them and beat well.
- Separately whip the butter.
- Add the thickened cream to the butter and whisk again.
- Set to freeze for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
Cream cake with ricotta and condensed milk
If you want to make a recipe for a cake from condensed milk, it's better to use ricotta. This curd cheese has a delicate creamy texture, a pleasant sweetish taste and has dietary properties, due to which the cream is light, soft and not greasy. This is one of the options in which cooking takes a couple of minutes.
- Ricotta cheese - 300 g;
- vanilla - a pinch;
- Condensed milk - 380 g.
- Fry the ricotta with a pinch of vanilla.
- Working with a whisk, enter into the mass a thin stream of condensed milk.
- Beat for 2 minutes until fluffy.
Cream for chocolate cake with condensed milk
Chocolate pastries are in the lead in the confectionery world. Such products are usually sandwiched with chocolate creams, the cost of which sometimes goes beyond the planned budget. The output will be a delicious cream for condensed milk cake with cocoa. A pinch of fragrant powder will add a cream of appetizing color, a subtle flavor and help to avoid unnecessary waste.
- butter - 250 g;
- evaporated milk - 250 g;
- cocoa powder - 80 g;
- cognac - 20 ml.
- Beat soft oil with a mixer for 5 minutes until it gains a lush and light texture.
- Continue to beat, pour a thin stream of condensed milk.
- Add cocoa, cognac and whisk for another 5 minutes.