Chicken roll - recipe

We will tell you how to cook chicken roll. This dish will be an excellent addition to the festive table and will surprise all guests with its originality and unusual. It can be served with any side dish or fresh vegetables.

Chicken rolls with prunes



So, cut the fillet with a sharp knife into thin chops. Each piece is beaten off well with a hammer, and then podsalivaem and pepper. Prunes are washed, scalded with boiling water and melenko shinky. We spread it on the middle of each meat slice and wrap the roll. We put the billets in a glass baking dish. In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise with chopped parsley and add shredded walnuts. The resulting sauce pour the chicken rolls at home and send the container for 40 minutes in the oven.

Roll with minced chicken



Greens of parsley and spinach are rinsed under cold water, dried on a towel and disassembled into leaves. Chicken mince spread in a bowl, fill with low-fat sour cream or cream, add salt, pour in the mango and carefully mix everything with your hands. Then spread the weight evenly on the greased sheet of foil, on top distribute the leaves of parsley and spinach, pour the remaining sour cream and turn everything into a tight roll. Spread it on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven for 50 minutes until cooked.

Chicken Roulette Recipe with Bacon



To prepare this original dish, you first need to make a sauce: mix ketchup with soy natural sauce, salt and pepper a little. Chicken fillet washed, dried, and then beat off a bit to get a thin piece of meat. Cut the cheese into plates. For each chicken slice we put the cheese and roll the rolls. Bacon cut into thin strips and each billet wrapped in bacon, and then put in a baking dish. Before you send the dish to the oven, grease the rolls with a prepared aromatic sauce and bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Chicken roll with gelatin



So, the chicken is thoroughly washed and peeled off carefully. Now cut off all the meat from the bones and cut it in small pieces. We shift the chicken into a bowl and add it to taste. On the work surface spread the food film, put the cut into one layer and lightly beat the meat. In a separate bowl, mix dry gelatin with spices and evenly sprinkle the chopped meat. After this, very carefully turn the meat roll, wrap it in several layers of food film, and then wrap it with foil. Spread the workpiece with the seam up in a narrow shape, pour a little cold water and bake the roll in a hot oven for about an hour. Then gently take out the dish, unfold and cool it at room temperature. After that, we shift it into the refrigerator and leave it to freeze for 3 hours. After the time has passed, we cut it in small portions and decorate it with greens.