What is CSW and how to get rid of it?

Do you consider yourself an important person, so important that no one can cope without your help? As a rule, this is how people with overstated CWs think. Perhaps this will seem ridiculous to them, but such behavior is somewhat painful, so it is necessary for those who strive for perfection to understand what CSV is.

How is CSW deciphered?

Most likely, you have often met on the Internet such an abbreviation, which was located in close proximity to the face of a dissatisfied person or creature. What is meant by CSW is a reasonable question for those who really want to know what is behind these three letters. A sense of self-importance is what the deciphering of this abbreviation looks like. Some experts supplement it with a word like vanity.

A person with an overstated CSV is very receptive and reactive to the actions and words of criticism that come to him from others. Such people often experience a feeling of inferiority, inferiority and self-criticism. They are characterized by quick temper and aggression. And all because they consider themselves somewhat different in comparison with all others.

A sense of self-importance - psychology

Many people who, in varying degrees, have such a temperament, are not able to adequately assess their psychological state. They are fully confident that their way of life is the most correct, therefore they do not listen to the advice of strangers, including their relatives. The increased CSV characterizes a person as a selfish person, before whom all the boundaries and boundaries must necessarily be revealed.

CSV in women occurs much more often than in the stronger sex. And this is quite understandable explanation. A woman is her mother and wife, who, according to many, should keep everything under her control. For this reason, most housewives believe that if they do not do this or that housework, the whole world will stop. In addition, many women are accustomed to believe that all the actions of those around her are not right, so they are eager to do business and without putting in their advice, which from the outside looks like the imposition of someone else's point of view.

CSW - is it good or bad?

What is CSW, we already found out. Now we must understand what the role of this quality of temperament in human life. Many of us are sure that a sense of self-importance is a synonym for self-esteem . However, this is an erroneous opinion. When a sense of dignity is affected, it means that a person intentionally wants to reproach in order to offend. Whereas in the case of CSV, we are talking about criticism, which concerns exclusively human self-love and pride, which has never been considered a positive trait of character .

Having lost the sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable, because there is no emotional reaction to either words or deeds. The absence of CSF gives the person self-confidence, because when we are rid of imaginary images, we have nothing more to lose. Proceeding from the foregoing, it becomes clear that an overstated CSV is not a good feature of temperament.

CBC Syndrome

It is extremely difficult to track the development of this quality of character. Qualified specialists characterize the overestimated CSV in the manifestation of the "excellent worker syndrome", that is, the person who is accustomed to reckon only with his point of view and with no one else. Such people, as a rule, have excessive arrogance, hamovatostyu and at the same time a certain detachment, which is explained very simply: for lack of a cleverer person near, such individuals prefer to retire from time to time and enjoy their egocentrism and superiority over others.

Signs of CSW

Determine if a person has a sense of self-importance or not, is not so easy. Scientists derived their own theory, according to which people with CSV behave according to the following scenario:

  1. Mentoring syndrome . This is the case when a person tries to impose his point of view and world perception on everyone.
  2. Disputes . Frequent quarrels with partners and just with friends, during which an individual who has an overstated CSW, tries to prove his point of view, while leading all sorts of, sometimes unjustified, evidence.
  3. Justification . Raising self-esteem by exposing yourself with the best, perhaps untrue, side.
  4. Attracting the attention of others . Another way to raise self-esteem, the desire to be at the center of all events. And suddenly something will happen without his participation - this will be the collapse of the whole universe.
  5. A vivid sense of revenge . In this case, a person begins to take revenge for the criticism expressed in his direction. And even if she was presented on the case, all the same punishment, whether verbal or physical, can not be avoided.
  6. Infatuation in the shortcomings of other people . This is perhaps the most striking example of the manifestation of CSW. Against the background of other people's mistakes, such people try to climb the highest step of the pedestal and show that they are the most irreproachable.

A sense of self-importance - how to get rid?

The definitions of what is CSV is not enough to get rid of this not quite good quality of character. You need to know how to cope with this problem. When QSW goes off scale, measures should be taken to exclude it. Well, if you are able to notice this defect in yourself. It is much worse if you are absolutely sure of your rightness. In this case, it is better to pay attention to the advice of the closest people. They certainly will not advise the bad. So, by drawing a parallel between your behavior and the above characteristics, you can easily determine whether you have overstated the CSW or not.

How to lower the CBC?

Getting rid of this quality is the main step to a full life, where there is no selfishness and criticism. The level of CSV can easily be reduced:

How to raise the CBC?

It is often possible to encounter people who have no sense of their own importance. It would seem that this should be rejoiced, because there is no pride, no vanity, no egocentrism. However, not all so simple. Underestimated CSV can bring a person problems not less than an overabundance of this character trait, so you need to know techniques that help raise your sense of self importance.

How to increase CSV: