Pictures for an interior by own hands

How can you decorate the interior of your apartment? Of course, pictures! They can not only fill the empty space on the walls, but also give a unique style to the room.

In order for the interior with paintings to look harmonious, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the picture, its combination with the color range of wallpaper and the general background.

We place the pictures correctly

  1. Paintings in the interior of the kitchen should create a harmony of warm relations and abundance, they must be bright and colorful. Beautiful flowers or appetizing still life will be welcome.
  2. For the bedroom, the picture with the image of the landscape in soft, calm and pastel colors is ideal.
  3. In the children's room, place pictures with fairy-tale characters. However, it should be remembered that too bright pictures quickly tire very young children.
  4. In the hallway is perfectly fit the schedule.
  5. Embroidered paintings in the interior can decorate any of the rooms, whether children's or kitchen. Choose the plot you like and put the whole soul into the work. The main thing here is to observe the style of the room.
  6. Deserved popularity has paintings of flowers in the interior. They bring a sense of spring to any room, they give joy and freedom. Flowers can revive any, even the most modest room.

Very often, wanting to decorate large spaces, people make the mistake of scattering many small pictures on the wall. In this case, you need to focus on the central part of the wall. Visually draw a rectangle in the center of the target wall and try to fill it.

We make a photo with our own hands

Make a picture of their own hands is quite simple. It is not necessary to have artistic skills or be able to embroider pictures with beads. The easiest way is to make a picture.

Buy in the nearest store an ordinary photo frame, sit at the computer and select any pictures you like. If you are able to work with a graphics editor, you can process images, for example, adjust the color gamut for the tone of your wallpaper or make black and white pictures for the interior. Record the pictures on a digital medium and order the photo to be printed in accordance with the size of the frame. Insert the image into the frame and the picture is ready!

Thus, you can make picture posters for the interior very quickly and cheaply. Print out different photos and change the pictures to the mood!

Create pictures with foam

After buying different household appliances, we always have foam blocks. Usually the foam is sent to the garbage can, but it can be interesting to use for creative purposes, for example, decorating the wall. Also use even rectangles of foam, which are used for the thermal insulation of walls.

The principle here is simple - polystyrene serves as the basis (sub-frame) for any image, whether it is a photograph, poster, drawing or colored fabric. This achieves the bulk effect. You can create a whole gallery on the wall: voluminous diptychs, triptychs or polyptychs.

So, we prepare the image in advance. It can be a printed image from the Internet, raznofakturnnye rags of fabric or a picture on the foam plastic paint. If you are planning a diptych, divide the picture into two parts, if the triptych is three. Parts do not have to be equal. Experiment with the shape of the base and the dimensions!

Glue the image to the surface of the foam with glue. The side walls of the block are better, too, to decorate. Paste them with a ribbon or paper of the same color. Attach a staple or eyelet to the back of the resulting pattern to hang it on the wall.

To support the overall stylistics of the room, make of foam plastic small decorative cubes (vases, candlesticks, pencil holders), pasted with the same material.