How to survive the betrayal of a husband - advice of a psychologist

The betrayal of a husband for every woman is a stroke and stress, causing at first resentment and pain, and then an attempt at comprehension, the search for causes and solutions to the problem. Far not always it is possible to cope with the overwhelmed experiences and negative emotions independently. And if a woman can not deal with the fact that her husband has changed her and does not know how to survive betrayal, then she needs to turn to a psychologist.

How to survive the betrayal of a husband - advice of a psychologist

Coping with stress and helping to survive the betrayal of the husband to many women helps to communicate with loved ones, even if they can not offer a solution to the problem, sympathy, consolation and understanding are good emotional support. On the question of how to survive the betrayal of her husband, the advice of psychologists is reduced to such recommendations:

  1. Having coped with the first stress, you need to understand the fact that male treason is not always a choice for another woman, sometimes it's just a runaway from problems and routine, often an absurd mistake, from which a man often does not know how to get out.
  2. With the fact of male betrayal, more than half of the women who could survive it and even take useful lessons from this sad situation are facing. To begin with, accept that this situation is far from singular and not exclusively. After all, even the girlfriends of the offended woman must have faced treason.
  3. Do not immediately collect the suitcases, you first need to determine for yourself - if the husband is still loved and desired, perhaps it is worth investigating the reasons and circumstances of his betrayal. Random single communication and a permanent romance side are two completely different situations.
  4. The reasons for infidelity can be hidden in family and sexual relations, which need to be considered and analyzed, and for this a dialogue with the spouse is needed. In a conversation with her husband, do not fall to scandals, a calm, balanced and proud woman can prove much more to a man. When he realizes that he can lose it, there is a real chance to restore relations.
  5. If reconciliation is impossible, or the husband does not come into contact, it is necessary to show him his own confidence, strength, self-sufficiency and independence. As a rule, men, getting used to the dependence of the wife, allow themselves to behave incorrectly. How often can you hear the phrase: "It will not go anywhere!" But it is only necessary to show independence and strength of character, as all aplomb flies like dust.

Real and clearer advice on how it is easier to survive the betrayal of a husband should be based on a specific situation, the individual characteristics of each of the spouses, the nature of the relationship in a married couple. In any case, and for all positions, a timeout helps.

If there is an opportunity to go somewhere or temporarily leave the common apartment, while not breaking all ties and putting the last point, it often helps both spouses to gather their thoughts, comprehensively consider and analyze all questions concerning the past and future life.

Instead of shedding tears and looking for flaws in oneself, it's better to spend this time transforming yourself into a beloved one. A new hairstyle, a change of image, a new style of dressing always helps a woman to feel self-confidence. A lost husband, seeing an updated, rested and refreshed wife, it is quite possible to start it again to win.

How to survive the betrayal of her husband and divorce?

If reconciliation does not work and divorce is inevitable, it is very important for every woman to understand and accept several facts:

The main thing to remember is that you have many opportunities to prove to the erring spouse how much he was mistaken, having lost such a beautiful wife.