How to make a husband respect his wife?

What woman did not think about how to force her husband to love himself? So he did not dare think about other women. To attract and a sense of interest never disappeared. To his attention signs in the form of gifts and affection are always present in their family life. There are no such women. But, to our deep regret, the enamored enthusiasm in the eyes of the spouse is replaced by a grumbling grumbling about the burnt dinner, and the rose petals that cover the floor of your room once replace the dirty socks of the faithful. Where did all the romanticism go, and with it the stars from the sky, promised by the romantics in love? And how to make a husband obey, appreciate and respect his wife?

Lessons of female wisdom

Of course, forcibly to fall in love with her husband is impossible. Men terribly do not like the obsession of women. If you start running around with your man, blowing out dust particles and feeding on cutlets, you are likely to get bored with him quickly, and daily eating cutlets can lead to atherosclerosis. So, this method does not suit us. All ideas with love potions also drive away. There are some rules that can exacerbate the feeling of love.

  1. Real men are conquerors. They want to seek the favor of a woman they love. Leave the same opportunity for the spouse. Let him rush home to share with the news, languishing in anticipation, while you light up with your girlfriends, ringing and wondering if everything is all right with you. Think of ways to make your husband think about you every minute. Just do not play too much. If you peregnesh stick and the man feels unnecessary, he will find on the other side, capable of warming and caressing. But, so that this does not happen, go to the second paragraph.
  2. Be always on top. It's not just about the notorious coats and curlers. Be interesting to him as a person. Improve yourself. Even if you are a housewife, take care of your self-education, read, go to museums.
  3. And yet do not forget about your appearance. Contrast changes in your style will benefit. If you meet your husband every evening with makeup, in high heels and haute couture dresses, he will soon run away from the queen to a simple one. Being a queen's husband is such a responsibility. So sometimes get your shabby robe and curlers, let me feel my husband, how close and dear you are in these moments.
  4. And now, when the husband has won your love and disposition, change tactics. Become his mistress, friend, "a blooming vest" and a reanimation brigade in difficult moments. Let him ask your advice, complain about his colleagues, rejoice with you for his successes. To do this, learn to listen and understand its problems. To keep her husband only by sex or delicious food can do anything. But to combine all these qualities, only a good wife can.
  5. Be sometimes weak. Women in Russian villages do not always inspire men. And portraying yourself as a defenseless and fragile creature, you awaken in the man the instinct of the defender. And you do not have to think about how to make your husband help you in your household matters.
  6. More often tell your husband how wonderful he is. Praise him and cherish him. After all, a confident man is successful and prosperous. Inferiority complexes still did not benefit anyone. And being successful, a person will not complain about life and try to change it.
  7. And again about sex. Of course, intimate relationships are not the most important in family life. But still good quality sex can strengthen marriage ties. Telling her husband in the evenings about a headache and how tired you are, you risk giving the husband a reason to seek sexual relaxation outside the home.

So, answering the question of how to make a husband appreciate his wife, we can distinguish the following aspects: be mysterious and self-sufficient, attractive and sexual, understanding and affectionate. In this case, he will love you, appreciate and obey.