Disk hiller for motoblock

For those private farms that own large plots, it makes sense to use the help of various "assistants" who will speed up and facilitate the cultivation of the soil, caring for the crops, and then harvesting. A great example is the motoblock . This is the name of the mobile power unit, which, thanks to the ability to attach various nozzles, is capable of performing many important agrarian tasks. Particularly worth mentioning is a disk-type hillside for a motoblock.

Why do you need a disk hoe?

The disk heap is a functional attachment of the motor block, used for hilling the crops. First of all, it concerns potatoes , maize, beans, asparagus, etc. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to manually spill loose soil to the roots of plants with large sizes of land. But the presence of a disk chute will easily solve this problem.

It is a device in the form of a frame with the discs suspended on it, located at an angle to the surface. They, seizing the ground, equip the densely ridden ranks. This important tool consists of the following elements:

The principle of disk chisel is simple. Round discs are located at an angle and when rotating, they grab the soil, and then create a soil roller, which the plant is planted with. Simultaneously, the ground is subjected to grinding and, accordingly, loosening.

Types of discs

Today, on sale, you can find a variety of disk hoggers - with a constant and variable width of capture. The first have a certain and constant width, about twenty to thirty centimeters, depending on the model and the manufacturer. Outwardly they represent two attached wings, which are located at each other. Such products, as a rule, are used in low-power motor blocks weighing up to 28-30 kg, so they are equipped with a thin frame, so as not to overload.

Hiller disk adjustable for a motor block is convenient for those farms where various crops are cultivated, and, accordingly, different rows are suitable for their hilling. Thus, it is easy to carry out the hilling of the potato by a motor-block with a disk hiller in a width of 45 cm, and a bean - 35 cm, and so on. The maximum width of the models produced is seventy centimeters. With all its advantages, a hiller with variable width has two drawbacks. Firstly, when hummocking, part of the soil from the rows slides downward. However, the efficiency and the possibility of adjustment significantly outweigh this disadvantage. Secondly, the cost of a disk cutter is perceptibly cost-effective. That's why some motor block owners prefer to make a disk heeler with their own hands.

By the way, the price of a disk hoe for a motoblock depends on its size, material (for example, simple steel or alloyed),

structural features and adjustment possibilities.

How do I set up a disk heap for a motoblock?

The hunter is attached to the motor block on the hitch bracket, not without the help of washers, bolts and a stopper. When installing the adjustable disk heel, two parameters must be taken into account - the width of the angle and the depth of immersion. Secure the disk heel on an even area to the coupling point in such a way that the racks of the device are located vertically. Then, with the help of screws and turnbuckles, the above two parameters are adjusted, proceeding from the agroculture, which will be subjected to hummocking.