How to ferment cabbage to make it crunchy?

Sauerkraut cabbage is a traditional raznosol, a delicious and healthy dish, of course, if it is well cooked, well, use it in normal (that is, small) quantities. Well and, certainly, it would be desirable, that cabbage on a table at us was crispy and beautiful.

Why sauerkraut becomes soft and does not crunch?

You can name a lot of different reasons: not the sorts, at the wrong time cook, not the salt, etc. However, there are general recommendations, following which you will definitely achieve the desired results.

Choose cabbage

Not all white cabbage varieties are suitable for souring (the best results are obtained with late and medium-late varieties).

The fork should be tight to the touch, cabbage should not be sluggish and frozen. The optimum weight is about 3-4 kg.

How to ferment cabbage to make it tasty, white and crispy?

Salt we use large, uniodized.

Tare should be glass, enameled without chips or from food plastic. Before the sourdough, it is better to wipe the dishes for disinfection from the inside with table vinegar and dry it.

You should not shake the cabbage with salt for a long time and shake it in a working container, so that the juice that is allocated covers everything completely.

In order to preserve the maximum of useful substances (vitamins, etc.), we shall not shred cabbage very thinly and finely, in general, the larger, the better it is preserved and the more useful it turns out. The process of fermentation best occurs at a room temperature of about + 12-15 degrees.

Utensils with already sauerkraut should be stored in a cool (for example, in a cellar or on a shelf in a glassed-in loggia), but not in the cold. If the cabbage freezes, it will become soft and slippery and certainly will not crunch.

The gases that form during quenching must be freely released or they must be periodically released, so every day with a wooden stick we make a puncture (or several) to the bottom, this is if you are a solitaire in 3-liter bottles, large pots or containers with lids. If you neglect this procedure, the taste will deteriorate, it will become bitter and cabbage can lose its crispy feature.

Daily (or at least every two days) you need to remove the foam formed on the surface of cabbage.

Crispy, tasty, quick sauerkraut in a can - recipe



Chopped cabbage in portions (for example, 1 fork) is mixed with carrots, slightly hands, then we put into the jar layers, pritrambovyvaya quite tightly (hand or wooden tolkushka), pouring a mixture of salt, sugar and seeds. We fill the jar tightly to the shoulders.

By the end of the process, the brine, consisting of the secret juice, should cover all the cabbage in the jar. As the juice can pour out during fermentation, put the jar on the plate. This method of cabbage sap does not require to put pressure.

We keep the jar at room temperature or a little lower for 2-3 days (after that it is almost ready for use), letting the gases come out. Further it makes sense to put the jar on the glassed balcony.

Sour cabbage is much more useful than fresh cabbage because it has more vitamin C.

A fragrant spicy brine is a wonderful effective remedy for a hangover .

Cabbage in cans makes sense to ferment from such a calculation that it was eaten in a week or two at most.