Treatment of sweating in adults at home

Sweating is characterized by skin irritation and rashes in the form of watery blisters. If the pathology is mild, the treatment of sweating in adults takes no more than 2 weeks at home. At the started form it is better to combine home treatment with medicamental therapy appointed by the dermatologist.

How to treat a chicken in the home?

From a mild form of sweating at home can be eliminated by combining treatment with folk methods with elementary hygiene. It is necessary to lower the humidity in the room and use talc to inflict affected areas.

There are many recipes, how to get rid of at home from sweating. Consider the most affordable and effective of them.

Means for sweating for adults

Herbs that possess antiseptic qualities can be used:

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

Raw materials are poured with boiling water and insist the medium is about half an hour. The finished broth is filtered off and added to the bath. The duration of the water procedure is a quarter of an hour. If the perspiration hit the face, the decoction can be used to wipe the problem areas.

An excellent remedy for sweating is an ordinary household soap . It is able to withstand bacterial infection and perfectly dry the skin, which is good for the appearance of a watery rash. The sites affected by the chalk, you just need to thoroughly soap and leave the product on the skin, not flushing, for about 15 minutes. Soda solution has no less effect.

If you are an opponent of using home remedies, you can treat the skin several times a day with pharmaceuticals:

There is also a group of ointments, which contain drying components. Among them we can mention:

It is important not only to know how to cure a chicken in the home, but also what remedies will help eliminate the itch. Especially for this purpose, doctors recommend taking antihistamines:

It is worth remembering that all procedures must be performed with clean hands - bursting bubbles are wide open for infection. If the infection still happened, you will need antibiotic treatment, which the doctor should select. Doing self-medication for a severe course of sweating, you run the risk of aggravating your condition.